Opus Ada Ada 2012 Bindings for Opus Audio Codec
Opus-Ada provides Ada bindings for the Opus audio codec, specifically including the encoder and decoder. Currently, some functions remain unbound as marked in the TODO list. Certain other functions, such as opus_encoder_get_size, opus_encoder_init, opus_decoder_get_size, and opus_decoder_init, will not be bound. Potential future bindings might include opus_repacketizer_, opus_multistream_, and opus_packet_*** functionalities.
Ada 2012 Compiler: Required for development.
Ahven 2.x: Used for unit testing.
Ada 2012 Compiler: Required for development.
Ahven 2.x: Used for unit testing.
The Ada code for Opus-Ada is ISC licensed. Documentation for .ads files derives from opus.h and opus_defines.h* under the simplified BSD license.