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  4. leetcode200 turing bot 学习小组的不和谐机器人

leetcode200 turing bot 学习小组的不和谐机器人

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leetcode200图灵机器人Discord机器人可帮助小组进行编码练习和记笔记。依赖数据库架构用户(uid、dcid、uname、fname、lname、createts)问题(pid,pname) user_problem (upid, uid, pid, ts, note)用法!solved [-m ] Record the problem solved with the option to take notes !show [-a] Show the problems solved today by given username and show all entries when -a specified TODO: !count [-a] !noteshow [-p ] !graph !help !today !libraryhours e.g. !solved LintCode18 !solved LeetCode200 -m "Thi