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  4. uuid time 从RFC4122 uuids获取时间

uuid time 从RFC4122 uuids获取时间

上传者: 2024-08-25 08:09:19上传 ZIP文件 4.27KB 热度 5次
uuid时间从RFC4122 uuids获取时间动机所以在主线上有自2012年以来一直没有合并。所以我决定把它剥离成一个独立的模块,因为我需要它。用法// Remark: This also works with uuids generated from // `require('uuid');`, which is a popular fork of `node-uuid`. // var uuidTime = require ( 'uuid-time' ) , uuid = require ( 'node-uuid' ) ; var v1 = uuid . v1 ( ) ; var buf = uuid . parse ( v1 ) ; console . log ( '%s (string) created at %s' , v1 , uu