beats 一个简单的鼓音序器,用React构建
节拍,由你。一个简单、有趣的鼓音序器。本地运行$ npm install $ npm start $ open index.html。想了解更多吗?看看这些资源吧:
想要一个小巧的音序器?VB鼓机的音序器26KB 绝对适合你!
如果你喜欢基于React的设计,别错过这个drum machine sequencer源码,不同的预设和音序器效果一定会让你满意。
喜欢使用Purrdata?那就试试这个Metrodata Sequencer,它可是带鼓的Intellijel大都市音序器源码哦。
对MIDI情有独钟?那你一定要看看这个MIDI Step Sequencer,它可以帮助你实现Cythar和弦MIDI音序器的开源体验。
Copyright 2014 Mike Chlipala
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute.