DSP/单片机ARM汇编指令条件执行详解ALU状态标志CPSR寄存器包含下面的ALU状态标志:The CPSRcontains the following ALUstatus flag:NSet when the result of the operation was Negative.ZSet when the result of the operation was Zeto.CSet when the operation resulted in a Carry.VSet when the operation caused Overflow.QARMarchitecture v5E only.执行条件N,Z,C,V相关的条件码后缀如下表所列:Condition Code SummaryCode SuffixFlagsMeaning0000EQ Z set equal(= =)0001NE Z clear not equal(! =)0010CS/HSC set unsigned higher or same(>=)unsigned0011CC/LOC clear unsigned lower(0100MI N set negative0101P