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  4. 铁硅铝、铁镍钼、高磁通磁环技术资料


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Sorted Dimensionally By Magnetics Part Number

Magnetics Group Arnold O.D. I.D. Height Perm

77020-A7 MS-025125-8 0.250 0.110 0.110 125

77021-A7 MS-025060-8 0.250 0.110 0.110 60

77030-A7 MS-031125-8 0.310 0.156 0.125 125

77031-A7 MS-031060-8 0.310 0.156 0.125 60

77040-A7 MS-040125-8 0.400 0.200 0.156 125

77041-A7 MS-040060-8 0.400 0.200 0.156 60

77050-A7 MS-050125-2 0.500 0.300 0.187 125

77051-A7 MS-050060-2 0.500 0.300 0.187 60

77054-A7 MS-050090-2 0.500 0.300 0.187 90

77055-A7 MS-050075-2 0.500 0.300 0.187 75

77059-A7 MS-090060-2 0.900 0.550 0.300 60

77071-A7 MS-130060-2 1.300 0.785 0.420 60

77076-A7 MS-141060-2 1.410 0.880 0.412 60

77083-A7 MS-157060-2 1.570 0.950 0.570 60

MAGNETICS Molypermalloy Powder (MPP)

cores are distributed air gap toroidal cores made

from a 79% nickel, 17% iron, and 4% molybdenum

alloy powder for the lowest core losses of any

powder core material.

MPP cores possess many outstanding magnetic

characteristics, such as high resistivity, low

hysteresis and eddy current losses, excellent

inductance stability after high DC magnetization

or under high DC bias conditions and minimal

inductance shift up to 2000 gausses under AC


MAGNETICS High Flux powder cores are

distributed air gap toroidal cores made from a

50% nickel - 50% iron alloy powder for the highest

available biasing capability of any powder core

