MAX17135,pdf( complete power-management IC)
The MAX17135 is a complete power-management IC forE-paper displays that provides source- and gate-driverpower supplies, a high-speed VCOM amplifier, and aemperature sensor.The source-driver power supplies consist of a boostconverter and an inverTIng buck-boost converter thatgenerates +15V (up to +17V) and -15V (up to -17V),respecTIvely. Both source-driver power supplies candeliver up to 200mA. The posiTIve source-driver supplyregulaTIon voltage (VPOS) can be set either by usingan I2C interface or by connecting an external resistordivider.The negative source-driver supply voltage(VNEG) is always tightly regulated to -VPOS within Q50mV.The gate-driver power supplies consist of regulatedcharge pumps that generate +22V (up to +40V) and-20V (up to -40V) and can deliver up to 20mA each.