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High-Speed Serial IO Made simple

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详细介绍了GTX(MGT)的实现,比较实用!Connectivity SolutionsEdition1.0High-Speed Serial I/OMade SimpleA Designers’Guide,with FPGA Applicationsby Abhijit AthavaleRand Carl ChristensenCONNECTIVITY SOLUTIONS:EDITION1.0PRELIMINARY INFORMATIONHigh-Speed Serial I/OMade SimpleA Designer’sGuide with FPGA ApplicationsbyAbhijit AthavaleMarketing Manager,Connectivity Solutions,Xilinx,Inc.andCarl ChristensenTechnical MarketingHIGH-SPEED SERIAL I/O MADE SIMPLE2005Xilinx,Inc.All rights reserved.XILINX,the Xilinx Logo,and other designated brands included hereinare trademarks of Xilinx,Inc.PowerPC is a trademark of IBM,Inc.All other trademarks are the property of theirrespective
