介绍了光电测速传感器的组成,分析了该传感器的工作原理。在分析该传感器信号的基础上,用SD2380 动态分析仪作了频谱分析。设计了相应的信号调理电路,并据此制作了车速仪,其准确度高,实用性强。
关键词: 光电传感器; 空间滤波; 测速; 施密特触发器
Abstract : The consTItuTIon of the sensor is analyzed. Based on the analysis of the sensor signal , the frequency spectrum is made with a SD2380 instrument . The circuit adaptable to adjust the sensor signal is designed.By us2 ing the circuit the speed meter is made ,which is high in precision and pracTIcable.
Key words : photo2electricity sensor ; space filtraTIon ; speed measurement ; Schmitt trigger