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  4. sbt scalafmt defaults:Scalafmt的默认(合理)配置 源码

sbt scalafmt defaults:Scalafmt的默认(合理)配置 源码

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Scalafmt的默认(合理)配置 安装 plugins.sbt下行添加到您的plugins.sbt文件中: addSbtPlugin( " com.alejandrohdezma " % " sbt-scalafmt-defaults " % " 0.4.1 " ) 您还需要提供。 用法 随附的插件会自动激活。 默认情况下,它将启用scalafmtOnCompile .scalafmt.conf在项目的根文件夹中创建一个.scalafmt.conf ,其内容如下: # This file has been automatically generated and should # not be edited nor added to source control systems. # To edit the original configurations go to # https: