function [hh, inliers] = ransacfithomography(ref_P, dst_P, npoints, threshold);% 4-point RANSAC fitting% Input:% matcher_A - match points from image A, a matrix of 3xN, the third row is 1% matcher_B - match points from image B, a matrix of 3xN, the third row is 1% thd - distance threshold% npoints - number of samples% % 1. Randomly select minimal subset of points% 2. Hypothesize a model% 3. Computer error function% 4. Select points consistent with model% 5. Repeat hypothesize-and-verify loop%
ninlier = 0;fpoints = 8; %number of fitting pointsfor i=1:2000rd = randi([1 npoints],1,fpoints);pR = ref_P(:,rd);pD = dst_P(:,rd);h = getHomographyMatrix(pR,pD,fpoints);rref_P = h*ref_P;rref_P(1,:) = rref_P(1,:)./rref_P(3,:);rref_P(2,:) = rref_P(2,:)./rref_P(3,:);error = (rref_P(1,:) - dst_P(1,:)).^2 (rref_P(2,:) - dst_P(2,:)).^2;n = nnz(error