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Build A Burger 源码

上传者: 2021-04-26 22:39:21上传 ZIP文件 1.46MB 热度 16次
建立一个汉堡! 描述 这是构建汉堡应用程序的简单方法。 用户将能够选择不同的成分添加到他们的汉堡中,最后将获得其定制汉堡的总计。 用户的故事 AS A restaurant owner I WANT to generate an app that lets users build their burgers SO THAT I know what they like to eat on their burgers and they know the total cost of the burger 标准 GIVEN two buns for the burger WHEN the user clicks on the More button for the condiments THEN the condiment will be added to the burger on the sc