speechtoolboxes专门的语音处理工具 speech_toolboxes1.rar
speechtoolboxes专门的语音处理工具-speech_toolboxes1.rar speech_toolboxes专门的语音处理工具 其中主程序mainspeechgui.m为: % Main GUI window for speech toolboxes in Childers' Speech book % This GUI window is designed to run in the Matlab runtime server % mode. From this window the user can call any of the software % applications in the Speech book. % Author : D. G. Childers % Date : 12/18/98 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% close all; clear; clc; path; path; path; path; path; path; path; path; path; path; %path; %path; %path; %path; %path; %path; %path; %path; %path; %path; % Define some global variables check = 1; %Variable used for proper closing and opening of windows catch2 = 'check = 0;'; catch1 = 'break;'; %color_flag=0; % Black background and white text color_flag=1; % White background and black text global BACK_COLOR TEXT_COLOR; if color_flag == 1 BACK_COLOR=[1 1 1]; TEXT_COLOR=[0 0 0]; else BACK_COLOR=[0 0 0]; TEXT_COLOR=[1 1 1]; end % Define some character strings o_fname=''; o_pname=''; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Set position and size of analysis window PV=[10 40 180 463]; s2 = 'Speech GUI'; % Open analysis window while exist==1 try1 = 'get;'; eval; if check ==0 clear m_gui_win_h; check = 1; break; end s1 = get; if ~strcmp clear m_gui_win_h; break; end figure; break; end; if exist~=1; m_gui_win_h=figure('Position',PV,... 'Resize','on',... 'Numbertitle','off',... 'color',BACK_COLOR,... 'Name',s2); m_gui_pb_displays_h=uicontrol('Style','pushbutton',... 'Position',[10 420 165 30],... 'String','Chapter 1: display_speech_1',... 'Callback','display_speech_1_path'); m_gui_pb_analysis_h=uicontrol('Style','pushbutton',... 'Position',[10 380 165 30],... 'String','Chapter 2: analysis',...