learn tlpi:TLPI(Linux编程接口)《 Linuxunix系统编程手册(上下册)》学习笔记 源码
TLPI(Linux编程接口) 《 Linux / unix系统编程手册(上,下册)》学习笔记 本仓库已经开始作为GitBook仓库,访问地址 GitHub访问地址 Something I hope you know before go into the coding~ First, please watch or star this repo, I'll be more happy if you follow me. Bug report, questions and discussion are welcome, you can post an issue or pull a request. 参考书目 《 Linux / unix系统编程手册(上,下册)》(Linux编程接口) 《 linux / unix系统编程手册(上,下册)》是介绍linux与unix编程接口的权威著作。