hashcat 5.1.0.rar
世界上最牛的解密软件,各种密码都能恢复。 hashcat is the world’s fastest and most advanced password recovery tool. This version combines the previous CPU-based hashcat (now called hashcat-legacy) and GPU-based oclHashcat. Hashcat is released as open source software under the MIT license. Current Version Current version is 5.1.0. Resources Homepage: https://hashcat.net/hashcat/ Support Forum: https://hashcat.net/forum/ Source code: https://github.com/hashcat/hashcat/ Report problems or request new features: https://github.com/hashcat/hashcat/issues Screenshot Background Information about previous versions of hashcat: Hashcat (CPU): https://hashcat.net/wiki/doku.php?id=hashcat-legacy#background oclHashcat (GPU): https://hashcat.net/wiki/doku.php?id=oclhashcatbackground