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  4. Gitlab File Tree crx插件

Gitlab File Tree crx插件

上传者: 2021-04-18 18:50:07上传 CRX文件 1.66MB 热度 26次
语言:English :Christmas_tree:File treeview for Gitlab :Christmas_tree:GitLab File Treeview as a Chrome extension, Feel free to show your :red_heart: by giving a star :star: GitLab 文件树插件, 好用又快乐 ๑乛◡乛๑, 喜欢还请一键 Star:star:! fork form [GitLab TreeView] fixed it that hasn't been maintained for two years and added new functions 修复自两年前的 GitLab TreeView,外加一些新功能 :tropical_drink:GitHub地址:https://github.com/Chuck-Ray/gitlab-file-tree 【中文说明见英文部分后方】 ---- [English] :small_orange_diamond:Features :black_