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Magento2x Ubuntu Nginx:如何使用Nginx在Ubuntu上安装Magento 2.3 源码

上传者: 2021-04-17 15:33:33上传 ZIP文件 43.49KB 热度 29次
Magento2x-Ubuntu-Nginx 如何使用Nginx在Ubuntu上安装Magento 2.3x或2.4x。 开发环境: Magento 2.3x / 2.4x nginx/1.14.x PHP 7.2x -7.4x MySQL 5.7-8x Ubuntu 18.04-20.04 步骤1:安装服务器。 - cat /etc/*release (check your current Ubuntu version) I have Ubuntu 18.04 on my localhost. - You can check the requirements system for Magento 2.3 in the link https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.3/install-gde/prereq/nginx.html