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  4. plsqldev14.0.6.1988x32多语言版+sn.rar


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32位版本的 PLSQL 正式版。 安装请查看说明。 FEBRUARY 17, 2021 - VERSION 14.0.6 RELEASED Enhancements Note: downloading an update through Check Online Updates in version 14.0.1 did not always work. Version 14.0.1 users can download 14.0.6 here. Querying a table with LOBs or Objects on Oracle21c would raise an error Queries on Oracle21c could raise an “ORA-24444: TTC RPC (OALL) not allowed” exception PL/SQL Beautifier could add empty lines after “OPEN cursor” statement Opening the “Roles” folder in the Object Browser could display a popup message with the current username