starbot:一个简单的解决方案可帮助服务器成倍增长。 通过一个简单的解决方案使您的服务器处于活动状态并娱乐您的社区 独特的Discord机器人Star! 源
:sparkles: 嗨,我叫星! :sparkles: :thinking_face: 你能做什么? 我有几个功能,其中首选的功能是: Autorole - Autorole is here for you to give jobs to new members of your server automatically when they join the server. No more giving positions to newbies manually! MessageLog - Keep an eye on everything on your server with the message logs, with them you will know deleted messages, edited to suddenly prove to that user that he really said this. :sparkles: 星星...是要吃