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  4. GWM:GWM是开发网站的有效方法 源码

GWM:GWM是开发网站的有效方法 源码

上传者: 2021-04-07 14:25:43上传 ZIP文件 73.1MB 热度 6次
快速开始 命令行界面 php tools/gwm diag - Validates GWM integrity. php tools/gwm dev - Shortcut to run built-in web server. php tools/gwm nr - Creates new unique resource. php tools/gwm sass - Attempts to convert sass to css. 构型 Nginx的location / { try_files $uri /index.php$is_args$args; } 阿帕奇RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www.domain.tld$ RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.domain.tld/$1 [ R =301,L]