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  4. ChromiNom越南Han Nom IME「ChromiNom Vietnamese Han Nom IME」 crx插件

ChromiNom越南Han Nom IME「ChromiNom Vietnamese Han Nom IME」 crx插件

上传者: 2021-04-07 12:35:28上传 CRX文件 99.7KB 热度 11次
越南汉侬输入法(即楚汉,楚侬) To start Han-Nom input on any webpage just click the "喃" icon on the top right side of your browser and wait until the icon turns green. Click again to stop Han-Nom input. Use TELEX method to type and a number key to insert a Han-Nom character. You can also use the mouse or touch gestures to insert characters. Dictionary is based on data from www.chunom.org 支持语言:English