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  4. map reduce html:有用的Map Reduce功能集合可深入了解HTML文档 源码

map reduce html:有用的Map Reduce功能集合可深入了解HTML文档 源码

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map-reduce-html 有用的Map Reduce功能集合,可深入了解HTML文档 程序和输出 字数 跑步 -- Using the provided shell script $ ./run.sh WordCount -- Running it on your own $ hadoop jar /usr/lib/hadoop-mapreduce/hadoop-streaming.jar \ > -files WordCountMap.py,WordCountReduce.py \ -input /users/jquinn13/Words \ -output /users/jquinn13/WordCount \ -mapper WordCountMap.py \ -reducer WordCountReduce.py 示例输出 the 202466 and 195977 for