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  4. oa crm:智能办公和客户关系系统(vue cli + vue@2.x) 源码

oa crm:智能办公和客户关系系统(vue cli + vue@2.x) 源码

上传者: 2021-04-04 18:39:35上传 ZIP文件 137.57KB 热度 6次
ertai-oa-crm 如果不想使用css modules功能,只需在不需要替换的样式外面封装一层:global {} / * .header 类不会被模块化* / :global{ .header{ line-height: 40px ; height: 40px ; background-color: skyblue ; color: # fff; } } 构建设置 # install dependencies npm install # serve with hot reload at localhost:8080 npm run dev # build for production with minification npm run build # build for production and vi