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  4. Keil.STM32G4xx_DFP.1.1.0.pack(STM32G4xx系列官方固件库驱动库板级支持包for Keil MDK 5)直接运行即可

Keil.STM32G4xx_DFP.1.1.0.pack(STM32G4xx系列官方固件库驱动库板级支持包for Keil MDK 5)直接运行即可

上传者: 2021-03-27 05:04:06上传 RAR文件 72.93MB 热度 157次
Version: 1.1.0 (2019-05-28) Keil.STM32G4xx_DFP.1.1.0.pack Initial public release of STM32G4 Series Device Support: Requires STM32CubeMX Version 5.2 or higher and STM32CubeG4 Firmware Package V1.0.0 Added debug sequences: configure ETM Trace. Added board support for STM32G474E-EVAL: Added Blinky example.