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  4. 基于ARM和WinSock的多人对战游戏平台设计


上传者: 2020-10-27 21:40:05上传 PDF文件 568.63KB 热度 20次

  具有多机互联对战功能的开放式便携游戏机具有广阔的应用价值和深远的发展空间。以SAMSUNG公司基于ARM920T的处理器S3C2410为核心,嵌入WinCE 5.0操作系统,在VS2008开发环境下创建智能设备MFC工程,并将在Win32环境下开发的单人/双人五子棋游戏进行代码移植,最终在ARM开发板上成功运行游戏。游戏开发基于Windows Sockets网络编程,能够实现ARM板与PC、ARM板与ARM板之间的游戏对战,可利用以太网接口互联,也可以通过无线局域网互联。该文以五子棋游戏为例,详述了硬件构建、游戏开发及移植的整个过程,极具借鉴价值。


  The open portable game platform which supports mulTIplayer values a lot and has a wide room for development. Make use of the S3C2410 microprocessor based on ARM920T from SAMSUNG Inc as a core, with Windows CE 5.0 opraTIng system embedded. Firstly, create an MFC project for intelligent device under the Visual Studio 2008, then do the code migraTIon of the single-and bi-player FIR(Five in a row) chess developed under the Win32 opraTIng system. Finally, it dose sucessfully on an ARM development board. The game is based on the Windows Socket network programming to realize the commuication between two players. It allows players to play the same game using a PC and an ARM development board, or two ARM development boards. Besides, they can be connected through the Ethernet line or the wireless local network. The article gives a whole course of how to construct the hardware platform, and how to develop a game including the code migration, with an example of FIR Chess, which has significant reference value.

