Grails in Action is a comprehensive introduction to the Grails framework covering the nuts and bolts of all core Grails components: controllers, views, services, webflows, taglibs, Ajax, and plugins. But much more than an introduction, Grails in Action is jampacked with skills, techniques, and insights from the trenches: solving the challenges you’re likely to face developing your next killer web app.
这本书一直没来得及看。以前听说action in groovy 特别好,读了之后,不明不白,后来发现有本绝版的书,比action in groovy好多了。于是没兴趣读这本了。但草草的翻了一下,觉得不错。
Very good material. Thanks.
Good material ... but little OFT
目前虽然bug比较多,framework也不是很成熟,但是感觉未来发展前途还是比较光明的, 可以很好的替代java