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  4. Matlab_R2008b和Visual_C__2008混合编程教程


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The default location for Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 compilers is C: Program Files microsoft visual studio 9. 0 but that directory does not exist on this machine Use C: Program Files Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 anyway []in? n Please enter the location of your compiler: [C: Program Files Microsoft Visual Studio 90] C: Program Files Microsoft Visual Studio9.0(请替换成实际安装目录·否则再 上一步可以直接回车跳过这一步) Please verify your choices Compiler: Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Location: C: \ Program Files Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 Are these correct [y//n? y 咔半串水半半≯*出半半串水*半*咔≯半半*半半半半咔**半半出半半*宗*水*半半*半半咔**半半半 水冰水*水水 Warning: Applications/components generated using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 require that the microsoft visual Studio 2008 run-time libraries be available on the computer used for deployment To redistribute your applications/componcnts, be sure that the deployment machine has these run-time libraries 水尔水水冰水水水本水水水水水水水水水水本水水水冰水水水水水木水水冰水本水水水木水水水水水水本水水水六水水水水水本水水冰水水水水木水水 米半半农水水 Trying to update options file: C: Documents and Settings\ Administrator\Application Data Math Works MatlaB R2008bcompopts, bat From template E: PROGRA-1 MATLAB R2008b bin win3 2\mbuildopts'imsvc9Ocompp bat Done 叁丶通过COM组件混合编程 生成普通COM组件 运行 Deployment Tool >>deploytool 在新弹出的窗口(可能自动停靠到右边,可以单击 Undock按钮分离)运行 New Deployment Project冼选择 MATLAB Builder ne下的 Generic COM Component 在Name处输入 My Add prj,单击OK Her Deploment Project MATLAB Compiler MATLAB Builder Ex RET Component MATLAB Builder NE MATLAB Builder jA Generic COM Component COV Name MyAdd prj Location D: \My Documents\MATLAB\MyAdd Browse Cancel Help 在MyAd( Generic COM Component) My Add文件夹下单击右键’选择Add rile·添加刚才新建立的3个文件。单击 Settings按钮,可以选择工程属性·如 组件名称和版本等等。运行菜单 Tools Build” MATLAB会自动编译这个工程 打开工程目录(D: AMy Documents MATLAB My Add y Add\),该目录下的 src\保存了COM件的C+十源代码在 distrib文件夹下保存了可发布的DLL文件c 二、注册COM 注册可发布的DLL文件(MyAd10.d1在VI isual studio2008命令提示 环境下,运行 cd"D: My Documents MaTLaB MyAdd My add\distrib regsvr32 MaDd 1 0.dll 注冊成功将得到类似 ̈ MaDd1_0.dll中的 DIRegisterServer成功。的信 肆、在VI isual c#2008中编写程序调用COM組件 在V isual studio2008中创建一个项目项目类型为“ ASPNET Web应用程序”, 名称为 TestCOM。单击确定。 在“解决方案资源管理器”视图中添加引用。在COM标签中找到组件名称 为 MaDd 1.0 Type Library的项,单击确定。则引用文件夹下就多了两项 MWComutil和 MyAdd分别双击这两个粲目,可以在对象浏览器看到它们的类 构造。 添加引用 Mrc项目浏览最近1 件名称▲ 类型库版本路径 mxxPCPanelctrlsx3x0 1.0 E: Program Files \ MATLA mwxPCPanelCtrlsx 3xOx 1.0 E: Program Files \MATLA. mwxPCPanelCtrlsx 3x1 1.0 E: \Program Files\MATLA mwxPCPanelCtrlsx3x2 1.0 E: \Program Files \ MATLA mwxPCPanelCtrlsx 3x 3 1.0 E: \Program Files \MATLA mwxPCPanelCtrlsx 3x4 1.0 E: \Program Files\ MATLA mwxPCPanelCtrlsx3x.5 E: \Program Files \ MATLA mwxPCPanelCtrlsx 4x0 1.0 E: Program Files\MATLA MyAdd 1 0 Type Library \My Documents MATLAB MyAdd 1 0 Type Library D: \My Documents\MATLAB.. E MyComput 1.0 Type Library 1.0 C:、I0 s\system32\my. name 1.0 Type Library D: \PROGRA 1\MICROS 1\0 RATUPnP 1.0 Type Library C: \WINDOWS \system 32\hn NCProv 1.0 Type Library C: \WINDOWS\syst em 32\wb NetCon 1.0 Type Library 1.0 C: WINDOWSsystem32\hn 匚确定取消 打开 Default.. aspx.Cs’编辑其中的内容。首先’添加两个命名空间: MaDd 和 MWComUtil o 口区 文件)编辑〖)视图四項目1)生成)调试1)数据Q)工具叮)窗口)帮助1 司,回,2电|,c·,| Debug ny CPU 解央方案资诉管理器 ∠起页对象测览器Dfu1t.axc tgTestCoM _ Default 解决方案“ TestCDw"(:个项 FORage_Load(object sender, EventAr gs e) 白-谚 Tests0■ using Syst sing Syst en Collections. Generic -回 Proper ties ng Systen. ter 9. Syst en Li 曰-2引用 using Systen. Yeb. UI using MaDd b Systen using MnConUtil O Systen. Core namespace Test COM 部 Systen. Data public partial class Default. System, Web UI Page -o Systen. Data Datas a Systen. Dr awing otected void Page Load (object sender, EventArgs e) O System. Web MvAdaclass ma new MyAddClass 0: nt nargout =1 ten. Web. E -O Systen. Web. Mobil. H Systen. Web. Servi -O Systen. Xml 注, A, ref c, a, b) Response. Clear O n Response. Write((style\rin. inicolor: #0055ff]r\n out color: #cc00001r\nbody ifor. t: 14pt Tines Response. Write(na. Estado( (span class={"in"〉"+ nar gout+“span),“+“< span class="pt" 2 Defanltaspotes string sb 3:1+nmut+“(m)“+"mas=myx: 解决,國类视图[屈性 显示输出来理)谢式8国回 System.eb. Httpexception中第一次偶然出现的“ Systen.Meb.d”类型的异常 :11¥:巨an0o 码定义窗口用器回 就绪 下面开始由简到繁介绍几种接口的使用方法: 、EXtd(整型的和函数) ExtAdd所涉及的是翰入两个简单整型参数,返回它们的禾 在C#中,MyAd类名称为 MyAddClass,其下定义的函数名称不变。参数以 如下形式传递 MyAddClass. ExtAdd(int nargout, ref object c, object a, object b) 可见,所有参数输入输出用 object类型·函数需要指定输出项个数·对输出 项,用r标注,表示通过引用方式调用。 而 MATLAB整数在VC#中可以用int类型表示。所以,这部分主要代码为 My Addclass ma= new Myaddclasso int nargout=1 int a=5: int b= 3 0; object c=( ma.ExtAdd(nargout, ref, a, b); 、 Extaddstr(字符串型的连接函数) ExtAdds『所涉及的是输入两个字符串型参数,返回它们依次连接的新字符 串 参数以如下形式传递 My AddClass. ExtAddStr(int nargout, ref object c, object a, object b) 可见,所有参数输入输出用 object类型’函数需要指定输出项个数’对输出 项,用ref标注,表示通过引用方式调用 而 MATLAB字符串在VC#中可以用 string类型表示。所以,这部分主要代 码为: string sa="sa,, string sb=sb", object sc ma. ExtAddStr(nargout, ref sc, sa, sb); 、 Extaddstrug(结构体型的复杂函数) Extaddstruct所涉及的是输入一个结构体型参数,使用它的两个成员,做字 符串连接’把它们依次连接的新字符韦赋值给返回值的某个成员并使用输入参 数的另一个成员,把它和1相加,结果赋值给返回值的另一个成员 MATLAB结构体在VC#中可以用 MWStructclass类型表示。其作为输入参 数使用必须经过声明’初始化和赋值三个过程在初始仳的时候指岀该结构体的 维数和成员名称。在赋值的时候有些麻烦,因为构造函数里有32个项。第1~n 个项表示n个维度,第n+1项是成员名哄其余的项不能省略,而是用Type. Missing 代替。其赋值仍然是 object类型。 MWStructClass v= new MWStructClasso gssa={"a","b","v"} v Initialize(l, ssa) vll,"a,Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. MiSSing, Type. MiSSing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, ype. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing] Value va vl,b,Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type.Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Typc Missing, Typc Missing, Type. Missing, Typc Missing, Typc Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing]Value v[1,"V" Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Typc Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Typc Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing] Value=5; 而对于读取到的返回值,需要用 object重新声明 MWStructClass MWStructclass tc= new MWStructClasso object otc= tc ma.ExtAddStruct(nargout, ref otc, v) string Cc=(string )tcl l, "c", Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. MiSsing, Type. Missing, Type. MiSSing, Type. MiSSing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. MiSsing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type.Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing]Value int cv=(int)tc[l, "v,Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. MiSSing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing Type Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type.Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing, Type. Missing valuc 四、代码和运行结果 所以,这部分主要代码,包括结果输出为 using System; using System. Collections. Generic, using System. Linq using System. Web;