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  4. DE2_70_demonstrations_V10 友晶DE2 70开发板例程

DE2_70_demonstrations_V10 友晶DE2 70开发板例程

上传者: 2020-08-06 23:30:48上传 RAR文件 30.57MB 热度 43次
这是从外网好不容易找到的,上传与大家共享,不要积分随便下!我也是下载的,不是自己发明的,如果再去要下载积分,人品还不至于这么差! 里面有加密的,官方说明是这样的:There are two encrypted verilog files in the "DE2_70_TV_PIP" demonstraction. If users want to modify this demonstration and re-compile the project, please perform the following steps: 1.Use Notepad or other text edit s