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  4. Xplore破解版管理器


上传者: 2018-12-07 18:19:45上传 SIS文件 902.69KB 热度 34次
先来段鸟文…X-plore is a file manager for mobile phones, with a wide range of functions on the phone’s file system. Features *.Viewalldrives / folders / fileson phone in tree view *.Integratedtextandimage viewer *.View filedetails *.Edit fileattributes(hidden, read-only, etc) *.Renameand***files *.Createoredittext files *.Createfolders *.Multi-***ion *.Copyormovefiles*** folders *.Send files viaBluetoothorinfrared *.Extract files fromZip,Rar,Jararchives *.Packfiles toZiparchive *.ViewWorddocuments *.Hardwaredevice * *.Viewprocessesand tasks *.Built-in program***r *.Viewing, saving files inmessagingfolders *.Hexviewer*** editor *.Searchfiles *.Folderhotkeys *.Simpleaudioplayer *.Simplevideoplayer change-log: small fixes额,具体新版本更新了什么,我还没研究,是一位朋友破,解的,第一时间就给大家传了…" />,这个是破,解的1.50,双图标,嘿嘿,大家就美吧…哈哈,貌似不需要py,不过我的手机上装了,不知道要不要,大家测试一下告诉我吧,反正装了py没啥坏处,呵呵,觉得好就顶个吧!