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  4. sunjce_provider-1.0.0.jar


上传者: 2018-12-26 11:54:27上传 JAR文件 272.19KB 热度 57次
本地启动jar包 启动会报错:nested exception is com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: The driver could not establish a secure connection to SQL Server by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption. Error: "RSA premaster secret error" 所以需要导入一个包: 大家慢慢读,答案就在里面,可能是我遇到的问题比较搞,可能也是个例,不过我考虑的都考虑了,应该差不多了。我使用的是myeclipse自带的jdk 这次换成我装的jdk 然后替换 Solving the problem was a matter of putting the sunjce_provider.jar in one of the folders specified in the java.ext.dirs parameter. Hard to find, easy to solve. 把sunjce_provider.jar 放到JDKclass path路径下 path路径下