Chapter 1 gets things started quickly by talking about Liferay and how it fulfills the missed promises of the portal platform. You’ll get an introduction to what Liferay is, how it structures a web site, how to navigate in Liferay, and how to design a Liferay implementation project. Chapter 2 picks up from there and dives right in to setting up a development environment and writing your first portlet. This portlet uses just the generic Portlet API, so you can get your feet wet with framework that underlies Liferay. In chapter 3, you begin using Liferay’s development platform, starting with Service Builder. You’ll use Service Builder to design and create a data-driven application from a single configuration file. you begin using Liferay’s development platform, starting with Service Builder. You’ll use Service Builder to design and create a data-driven application from a single configuration file.