papyrus 用户指导手册。目录如下 Historic of the document ..................... 2 Introduction ................................. 3 Profile Modeling and Definition ............. 5 Introduction to UML Profiles ............... 5 Profile Creation and Modeling .......... 7 Profile creation ................ 7 Profile authoring ........................ 12 Profile Definition and Export .................. 21 Profile Applying and Use ...................... 24 Applying a profile ......................... 24 Using the stereotypes of a profile ............... 26 Applying a stereotype ................................ 26 Assigning values to properties of stereotypes ............................................... 28 Displaying options of a stereotype application ........ 29 References .............................. 32 of a profile ............... 26 Applying a stereotype ................................ 26 Assigning values to properties of stereotypes ............................................... 28 Displaying options of a stereotype application ........ 29 References .............................. 32
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