瑞萨作为全国大学生电子设计竞赛的赞助商、在其公司自己推出的单片机芯片上、有着自己的软件开发工具(和keil、IAR、CCS)类似,本文档就是介绍CubeSuit和快速入门。GetsoonSHANGHAI GETSOON ELECTRONICS CO. LTD AEG格州电子应用工程部14点击 Accept,下一步O Installer -step 2/8 [Software License Agreement)THE END USER LTCENSE AGREEMENTPlease read the following end user license agreementC CubeSuite+SOFTWARE LTCERSE AGREEMENTTHS SOFTW ARE LTCENSE AGREEMENT made and enterednto by and between Renesas Electronics Corporationa japanese corpor ati on having its principal place ofbusiness at 2-6-2, 0te-machi, Chiyo da-ku, Tokyo 100-0004, Japan(“ LICENS0R”) and the Customer“ LICENSEE”) with the following terms andconditions about the provi ded software program“ Licensed Program”SECTION1.0 LTCENSE〕1. 1 Subject to complying to the terms and condi ti onsset for th herein and executing only for develop theother program as executing the ri ghts and licensesDo you accept to the end user license agreement?o Accept O Do not accept〖上一步01)下步0)取消16选择要安装的文件选择要安装的文件,和安装路径,下一步Installer-step 3/8[Development Tools SelectionPlease specify the development tools to installV Tools for RL78 and 78K microcontrollersv Tools for RX microcontrollersV Fools for v850 microcontrollerseveV Tools for RH850 microcontrollers280.613,441K回 Emulator usb driversDetails946.093KInstall locati one: \ Program Files\Renesas Electroni cs\owe区上步0下一步0)取消www.getsoon.com.cnGetsoonSHANGHAI GETSOON ELECTRONICS CO. LTD AEG格州电子应用工程部17安装完成直下一步,直至出现如下界面,可以看到你安装的文件信息。点击完成,会运行更新检查,如有更新,可以在线更新。6 Installer -step 8/8[Setup CompletionSetup is complete. Click [Finish] to exit settingAll installations were completed successfullyThe latest product update informati on can be checked when the Launch UpdateManager. is checked.Install ation skipped. (The same version has been installed.)CubeSui tet v2. 01. 00T8KO Compiler CAt8KO V1 30RLT8, 78KOR Compiler CAT8ROR W1 60R Compiler CC-RM Y2 00 019850 Compiler CA850 13.50v850 Compiler CX v1. 31RH850 Compiler CC-RH V1 00 01Device Informati on for RL78. T8K v100. 15Device Informati on for RX V1. 00. 06Device Informati on for v850 v1. 00.11Launch Update Manager上步)元成眼消www.getsoon.com.cnGetsoonSHANGHAI GETSOON ELECTRONICS CO. LTD AEG格州电子应用工程部二。创建工程21新建工程打开 Cubesuit+,fie-new- Create New ProjectFile Edit View Project Build Debug Tool Window HelpNewb Create New Project.open…Ctrl+o D Create New File Ctrl+N22选择芯片221选择你要新建工程的芯片,设置路径和文件名Create ProjectMicrocontrollerRL78Using microcontrollerB(Search microcontroller)R5F1026A(20pin)Product Name: R5F1026AR5F1027A(24pinIntemal ROM size[KBytes: 16R5F102AA30pin)Intemal RAM size Bytes: 1536R5F1036A(20pin)R5F1037A(24pin)L R5F103AA(30pin)4- RL78/G1A(ROM: 16KBt-3 RL78/G1A(ROM: 32KB)L△M,AnLmKind of projectApplication( CA78KOR)oject name.PlaaceC: Users \AE03 Des ktopltestbrowseV Make the project folderC: Users\AED3\ Desktopltesttesttest. mtpja Pass the file composition of an existing project to the new projectProject to be passed(Input project file to be divertedBrowseCopy compos ition files in the diverted project folder to a new project folderCreateCancelHelpwww.getsoon.com.cnGetsoonSHANGHAI GETSOON ELECTRONICS CO. LTD AEG格州电子应用工程部222点击“ Create”,出现如下界面,左面显示代码生成器,可以方使生成底层驱动Gteat Cukcsuitc rrfile il yew Pivjrv. Dulu DeLuy Tv.I whuuuw Ilelp-3以日甲A3当闲器总屏DAB,3的4 Code Gereraor Design Tochgeneratorw. Tinerw CluA DulyuLDuzin OuluA, CAYE O cEuld reolRL78 Simulator( Debug ToolA All Massages/*Code C41srstor/Ff回中9回曾p23利用代码生成器生成底层驱动231双击 Clock generato,出现如卜界面,首先设置 Pin assignment,设定复用引脚功能,点击“ Fix settingsO test-Cube Suite+-(Code Generator]File Edit View Project Build Debug Tool Window Help5a日自9弟”Default BuildProject日4 Is test(projecA R5F1026A(Microcontrol erPin assignment Clock seting On-chip debug setting Caniming reset source Safety funcionsCode Generator(Design ToolFin assignment setting□FRtk Interrupt□FRt=1AD ConverterNhen t s decided once t isnt poss ble to change t laterI's necessary to make a pujec again to charge ilDMA ControlleretectorP13INTP2气CA78K0R( Buid Too)INTP3P11L.% StartupP12www.getsoon.com.cnGetsoonSHANGHAI GETSOON ELECTRONICS CO. LTD AEG格州电子应用工程部232点击 Clock setting,设置需要的时钟通 Reflect Pin冒 Generate Code%的阅白Oparation mode settingo High speed main mode 27(V)0:n--)11242同样的方式新建“ delay. h”文件,进行函数声明。∠ Property Code Generator_main.c delay.c冒tyh3動n ColumnGvoid delay ms(unsigned int n):www.getsoon.com.cnGetsoonSHANGHAI GETSOON ELECTRONICS CO. LTD AEG格州电子应用工程部243加载用户文件如下图方式,将用户文件加毂至工稈中。加载后如右下图:曰 test(Projoct)動应.Cuuni-8 R5F1026A(Microcontrolleriast(rojectCode Generator(Design ToolvIi i-Idy Ib(unsigned ilLl)人CA78K0R( Build TooCode Cenerator( Design Too)E RL78 Simulator(Debug Too)A CA78KOR iFuil Tccl邮E. RLTE Simulator(Debug Too)+)-23 Build tool generated filesAdd门A能白 Code generator目 r main.cOpen Folder with Explorer日 r_systemin.c回 Widows Explorer Mdd New Catagory日 r cg_cgc.c可 Remove ton Prcjeul Sh+prtercg_cgc_userCr_cg_目 r cg timer user crcs_t电RerF∠cg_cgc. hr_cg_timer. h25编译仿真写好代码后,进行编译,检查有无错误。C test Cubcsuitc t_mcir.dfile CJil Vew Projet, Dulu DeLay TuLl Whi llelH导暖 DeputEM coe Getela/E'r manc-I cg timer. cH>rcg timer_ user. cu>r cg port. crc: port user.e小>DefaultBuild\test laf>DefaultBuild\test. hexBuild ended(Error: 0, Warning: 0)Ended(Success: 1 Fro jects, Failed: 0 Projects)(2014E4E15B 13: 40: 17)EOFTAll Messages A "Rapid Build A"Build Tool /*Code Generator三.仿真,下载程序以用仿真器E/ EZCUBE为例31将E/ EZCUBE连接至用户目标板Communication circuitsAmust be mounted onlthe target systemUser systemRENESASHost omputeTarget deviceEZ-CUBERTUSBcommun canonCommunicationinterface cableE1 emulAtorTarget systemEZ-CUBHost machine3.2仿真器选择仿真器选择E1/ EZCUBEVIVIR LUIIL VIICIVoltage Detector72delay ms(500);气CA78K0R( Build Too73E1,=~P1,0RL78 Simulator(Debi白FeUsing Debug ToolRL78IECUBE由 a Build tool generalPr。 pertyRL78 E1(Seriale,D。nci Startup白 Code generator78RL78 E20(Serial79RL78 EZ Emulator次责声drmain.c0MAIN US∈r systemin. CB1RL78 Simulator18 unctwww.getsoon.com.cn10