[Windows.8从入门到精通].(文字版.pdfMicrosoftMicrosoft windows 8Step by stepCiprian Adrian RusenJoli ballewPublished with the authorization of microsoft Corporation byO'Reilly Media, Inc1005 Gravenstein Highway NorthSebastopol, california 95472Copyright o 2012 by Ciprian Rusen and Joli BallewAll rights reserved. No part of the contents of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form orby any means without the written permission of the publisherSBN:978-0-7356-6402-9123456789QG765432Printed and bound in the United States of americaMicrosoft Press books are available through booksellers and distributors worldwide. If you need supportrelatedtothisbook,emailMicrosoftPressBookSupportatmspinput@microsoft.comPleasetelluswhatyouthinkofthisbookat,EN-US. aspx are trademarks of the microsoft group of companies. All other marks are propertyof their respective ownersThe example companies, organizations, products, domain names, email addresses, logos, people, places,and events depicted herein are fictitious. No association with any real company, organization, product,domain name, email address, logo, person, place, or event is intended or should be inferredThis book expresses the authors'views and opinions. The information contained in this book is providedwithout any express, statutory, or implied warranties. Neither the authors, O Reilly Media, Inc, MicrosoftCorporation, nor its resellers, or distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to becaused either directly or indirectly by this bookAcquisitions and Developmental Editor: Kenyon BrownProduction Editor: Melanie YarbroughEditorial Production: nSight, IncTechnical Reviewer: Todd MeisterCover Composition: GirvinIllustrator: Rebecca demarestContentsIntroducingWindows 8XVWindows 8 Features by EditionMinimum System RequirementsXVIIWhat's Different from windows 7?Which Edition of Windows 8 Should I Buy?XⅩLets get started,ⅩⅩWho this book is forWhat This book is aboutAcknowledgmentsXⅩModifying the Display of the ribbon in File ExplorerDynamic Ribbon elements......,.....XXⅢChanging the Width of the ribbonAdapting Exercise Steps.XXVConventions and features in this bookXXVIIDownloading and Using the practice FilesXXIXGetting Support and Giving Feedback.ErrataWe Want to hear from youStay in touch1 Introducing Windows 8Setting up windows 82Using the Lock ScreenExploring the Start ScreenMoving around in the start ScreenMoving tiles on the Start ScreeCustomizing the start Screen with Live tiles.10Using Charms.…..12Searching for Data, Programs, Files, and Settings16Accessing the Traditional Desktop19Using the Taskbar and Start Button20ontentsWorking with Multiple Windows and Apps25Working with PC Settings and Control Panel35Ending a Computing Session.43Key Points452 Making Windows Look and Sound the WayYou Want47Personalizing the start screen48Personalizing the lock screen.52Changing Your User Account Type55Customizing your User Account settingsPersonalizing the desktop60Changing how the taskbar looks62Changing the sound scheme..67Accessing and Exploring advanced Settings68Switching to a different Power planKey points723 Using Apps on the Start Screen75Using the Photos App76Using the Music App82Using the video app..89Using the Maps App90Exploring the other Apps93anaging Apps for the Long Term98Exploring Accessories and Tools100Points104Contents4 Saving, Browsing, and Organizing Files andFolders107Understanding Files, Folders, and Libraries....,,,108Explaining the most Common File Types112Accessing Your User Folders117Understanding User Folders120Saving Files Effectively122Understanding Libraries124Navigating the File Explorer Ribbon Interface126Organizing files and FoldersRenaming files.........134Sharing files with the share tab136Customizing File Explorer with the view Tab.137Searching in File Explorer141Customizing libraries142Working with Deleted Files and theRecycle bin....147Key points1495 Using Internet Explorer 10151What Is New about Internet explorer 10....152Launching Integernet eⅹ loser154Using the Internet Explorer App.155Using the Internet Explorer Desktop Application162Pinning Websites to the start Screen164Browsing the Web using the In Private mode..166Downloading files from the Internet168Setting the default Internet Explorer version170Key pc174Contents6 Using Sky Drive177Using Sky Drive178Browsing Sky Drive from the Sky Drive App.....,,,179Uploading a File with the Sky Drive App183Downloading a File with the Sky Drive App186Accessing sky Drive from a Web browser188Synchronizing Your Windows 8 Settings...190Key point1937 Using the Social Apps195Using the Mail app196Adding a Hotmail account to the mail app198Sending an Email with a Sky Drive Attachment202Using the people app205Connecting to Your Facebook Account Using the People app..207Adding a New Contact to the People app212Using the Calendar App214Adding an Event to Your Calendar.217Using the Messaging App221Starting a Conversation with the Messaging App...223Using the Camera App.226Key points2288 Shopping in the Windows Store231Exploring the Landing Page232Browsing the Store by Category and Top Free235Searching the store236Exploring an App's Listing Page...238Obtaining and Installing an App239Using Apps241Updating Apps242ContentsReacquiring Apps243Write a review243Understanding Subscriptions and In-App Purchases245Key Points2459 Having Fun with Multimedia247Exploring the Windows Media Player Interface248Ripping your CD collection253Creating and Burning Playlists255Sharing media with a Network258Obtaining Windows Media Center259Learn about windows media Center Features....261Key Points26310 Playing Games265What's Required for playing games265Where to find games266Calculating your Windows Experience Index268Connecting Windows 8 to Your Xbox272Key points..,27511 Connecting to a Network and the Internet277Understanding the Jargon: Router, ISP, Network Adapter, and other Terminology278Using the Networking and Sharing Center.279Connecting to a ireless network282Connecting to a Hidden Wireless Network290Connecting to the Internet through a mobile modem296Changing the Network Profile of a Network...297Key Points300Contents12 Allowing Others to Use the Computer303What ls a User account and how many do i need304Introducing the microsoft Account(Windows Live ID)306Accessing the User Accounts Settings.……307Adding a new user account311Switching between User Accounts319Changing the Password for Your User Account...321Creating a picture password for your User Account325Creating a PIN for Your User Account331Changing a User Account Picture334Changing a User Account Name337hanging a User Account Type339Deleting a User Account342Key points34713 Sharing Files and Folders with My Network 349Understanding the Default Network Sharing Settings350Setting Up a Homegroup355Joining a Homegroup361Finding Your Homegroup Password...363Changing the Password of a Homegroup364Accessing Homegroup Computers and Devices367Leaving a Homegroup368Using the Sharing Wizard to Share with the Homegroup369Using the Sharing wizard to share with Specific People371Sharing a printer with computers on your Network377Sharing a Printer with Your Homegroup382Enabling the sharing wizard385Key points387vIllContents