A study of the security monitoring system in coal mine underground based on WSN
本文讲述的是无线传感器网络下的矿井安全监控研究。是篇IEEE论文。themselves to some emergencies. The architecture ofWSN is shown in Fig. 3(a). The deployed sensor nodesorganize many sub-nets, execute the commands fromFig. 3(b) shows the software blocks. The operatingthe control center, sense and monitor the coal mine system (OS )core manages and executes the tasksunderground, transmit the information to control center. including sensing, multi-hop routing, power management,One subnet is used to monitor the density of gas, one to time synchronization, service scheduling, watch dog timingmonitor the environment, one to monitor the operation and and locating(for the nodes with actuators ) The controlothers are used to monitor other components in thecenter server provides data collecting and processinghe underground. The center makes furtherservices, components diagnosis and decisions makinggprocessing of the data, storages in database and provides with the support of the expert system. It also gives theclient browsing through local area network (LAN) or commands, analyzes the data, monitors the conditionwireless local area network (WLAN). When an reacts to the emer-gency and provides data browsing andemergency is detected by the sensor nodes, the alarm operating for the clientinformation is sent to the center and the monitor in theIn this way, the status of coal mine underground can becenter rings hells backward, thus the relative action can be monitored effectively by the Wsn along with other systemstaken in time, and the emergency can be cleared beforethey become uncontrollableIV. CONCLUSIONThe Wsn creates many new and exciting applicationEnvironmentOther Componentsareas for remote sensing and monitoring. In the future,monitotingmonitoringmonitoringthe wide range of application areas will make WSN anOperationintegral part of our lives. However, realization of WSNmonItoringneed to satis ly the constraints by its inherent factors suchfault tolerance. scalabilitopolosensor notchange, environment and power consumption. Since theseand actuatorconstraints are highly stringent and specific for WSNDatanew wireless ad hoc networking techniques are reqServiceRouterperationMany researchers are engaged in developing theLAN Oeeded for diferent layers of the WSN< MonitorWLANpk including communication protocols,hardware and software development. Along with theControl centeClient Data Browsingcurrent research in WSN. we can foresee moredevelopments in practice of wsn in the near future(a) Architecture of WSNDataExpertMonitorREFERENCESSystemSoftDiagnosis[FAkvildicLocatingSankarasubramaniam and Erdal Cayicci,Wireless SensorNetworks: a Survey, Camnpuler Nemork, Vol 38, No 4, pp393-422. March.2002TimeoS[2 Ruizhong Lin, Zhi Wang and Youxian Sun,"Energy EfficientSynchronizationCo人 [ManagementMedium access control protocols for wireless sonsoand Its Statc-of-ArlProcccdings of ieee 2004. maywatchI SensingExecutingD3 J. A. Stankovic, T. F. Abdclzahcr, C. Lu, L. Sha, and J. C. HeReal timc communication and coordinationmbcddcdsensor networks Proceedings of the ieee. vol 91(b) Software blockspp.1002-1022,2003.Fig 3 architecture of real time monitor