彩屏触摸屏资料,用于FTF彩屏可以实现很多功能ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSAt TA=-40C to +85C,+Vcc=+2. 7V, VREF=2.5V internal voltage, fsAMP_E 125kHz, fck =16. fsAMPLE 2MHz, 12-bit mode, digital inputs= GND or lOVDD,and +Vcc must be.lOVDD, unless otherwise noted.TSC2046PARAMETERCONDITIONSMINTYPMAXUNITSANALOG INPUTFull-Scale Input SpanPositive Input-Negative Input0VAbsolute Input RangePositive Input+VC+0.20.2+0.2Capacitance25Leakage CurrentSYSTEM PERFORMANCEResolutionBits11tsIntegral Linearity ErrorLSB(1)Offset ErrorGain ErrorExternal VLSBNoiseIncluding Internal VReF70rmsPower-Supply RejectionSAMPLING DYNAMICSConversion timeCLK CyclesAcquisition TimeCLK CyclesThroughput RateMultiplexer settling time500perture dAperture Jitter100Channek-to-Channe IsolationVIN =2.5Vp-p at 50kHz100BSWITCH DRIVERSOn-ResistanceDrive Current(2)Duration 100ms50mAREFERENCE OUTPUTInternal Reference Voltage2.55Internal Reference DriftQuiescent Current500REFERENCE INPUT1.0Input ImpedanceSER/DFR=0. PD1=0GQInternal reference offInternal Reference on250BATTERY MONITORInput valtage range6.0Input ImpedanceSampling Battery10kBattery Monitor offGQccuracyVat =0.5V to 5.5V. External VuL=2.5vVbaT =0.5V to 5.5V, Internal ReferenceTEMPERATURE MEASUREMENTTemperature Range40°cResolutionDifferential Method (3)1.6TEMPO(4)0.3℃℃℃AccuracyDifferential Method ()TEMPO(4)±3DIGITAL INPUTOUTPUTLogic FamilyCMOSH|≤+5μAOvDD·0.7JOVDD+0.3lu|≤+5uA0.3OvDD·0.8VVVVoL=250μA0.4Data FormatStraight BinaryPOWER-SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS+V(5)Specified Performance2.73.6Operating RangeIOVDD(6)1.5VVVQuiescent Current(7)Internal reference off650Internal Reference OnfSAMPLE =12. 5kHz220AAAAPower-Down Mode withCS DCLK= DINE OVDDPower Dissipation+Vcc=+2.7VTEMPERATURE RANGESpecified Performance+85NOTES: (1)LSB means least significant bit With VREF=+2.5v, one LSB is 610uV (2) Assured by design, but not tested. Exceeding 50mA source current may resultin device degradation. 3)Difference between TEMPO and TEMP1 measurement, no calibration necessary. (4) Temperature drift is-2 1mV/C (5)TSC2046 operatesdown to 2.2V.(6)IOVDD must be-+Vcc.(7) Combined supply current from +Vcc and IOVDD. Typical values obtained from conversions on AUX input withPD0=0.TSC2046TEXAsINSTRUMENTSSBAS265Cwww.tl.comPIN CONFIGURATIONT。 p viewTSSOP Top ViewVEBGADCLK CS16 DCLKX+215 CSAY+314|DN13BUSYB○@@@QTSC2046PENIRQDOUTIOVDDGNDPENIRQ+vcc10 lOVDDAUX 8E@的AUXFN9N98999的9的9GTTSSOP纠gBUSY2 AUXDIN 2TSC204610 GNDCLK48支丈PIN DESCRIPTIONTSSOP PINVFBGA PINQFN PINNAMEDESCRIPTIONB1 and c15+VPower Supply2D16X+ Position InputE1Y+pG4 and 5GNDGround711Battery Monitor InputE7Auxiliary Input to ADCVoltage Reference Input outpJOVDDDigital I/O Power SupplyB715NIRQPen Interrupt12A6DOUTSerial Data Output. Data is shifted on the falling edge of DCLK. This output is highimpedance when Cs is highBusy Output. This output is high impedance when CS is highDINSerial Data Input. If Cs is low, data is latched on rising edge of DCLK15Chip Select Input Controls conversion timing and enables the serial input/output registerCs high power-down mode(Adc only)16DCLKExtemal Clock Input. This clock runs the SAR conversion process and synchronizes serial dataINSTRUMENTSTSC2046www.ti.comSBAS265CTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICSAITA=+25'C, +Vcc=+2.7V, IOVDD=+1. 8V, VREF=External +2.5V, 12-bit mode, PDO=0, sAMP F=125kHz, and fcuK =16.IsAMple=2MHz, unless otherwise noted+Vc SUPPLY CURRENT VS TEMPERATURElOVDD SUPPLY CURRENT VS TEMPERATURE400350200三O>058010040100Temperature(°CTemperature(°C)POWER-DOWN SUPPLY CURRENT VS TEMPERATURE+V SUPPLY CURRENT vS +Vcc140450120SAMPLE = 125kHZ100300250200sAMPLe =12.5kHz200801002. SUPPLY CURRENT VS IOVDDMAXIMUM SAMPLE RATE VS+Vcc60Vcc≥|OvD100kfSAMPLE =125kHzQ10fsAMPLE =12.5kHz1.0152025303.5404.5502.54.05.0lOVDD (VTSC2046TEXAsINSTRUMENTSSBAS265Cwww.tl.comTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Cont)At TA=+25C, +VcC =+2.7V, IOVDD =+1.8V, VREF= External +2.5V, 12-bit mode, PDO=0, saMPLe = 125kHz, and fclk = 16.fsAMPlE 2MHZ, unless otherwise notedCHANGE IN GAIN VS TEMPERATURECHANGE IN OFFSET VS TEMPERATURE0.150.60.4己0.05己0.205- CURRENT VS SAMPLE RATEREFERENCE CURRENT VS TEMPERATURE3128 68Sample Rate(kHz)Temperature(C)SWITCH ON-RESISTANCE VS +VccSWITCH ON-RES STANCE VS TEMPERATURE(+Y+:+Vcc to Pin; X-,Y: Pin to GND)(+,Y+: +Vcc to Pin; X-,Y: Pin to GND)X+.Y+5X+Y2.5354.550-20(°C)INSTRUMENTSTSC2046www.ti.comSBAS265CTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS(ContAt TA=+25 C, +Vcc=+2.7V, IOVDD=+1. 8V, VREF External +2.5v, 12-bit mode, PDO=0, sAMPE=125kHz, and fcuk =16 fsAMPLE = 2MHZ, unless otherwise notedMAXIMUM SAMPLING RATE VS RININTERNAL VREF VS TEMPERATURE2.02.5080INL: RIN=50091.82.5075INL: RIN= 2kQEOo=山m口16H----DNL:RN=50092.50701.4- -- DNL: RI 2kQ2.50651.22.5060⊙1.0>3.5055兰z0.82.505062.504542.50400.22.5035valsas==----2.5030040608010012014016018020088早早88同8导号品超总超R岛Sampling Rate(kHzTemperature (C)INTERNAL VREF VS +VccINTERNAL VREF VS TURN-ON TIME2.5101002.505No ce(42s)2.50012-Bit SettlingluF Cap12401s)2.49512-Bit Settling2.4902.4852.482. Time (us)TEMP DIODE VOLTAGE VS TEMPERATURETEMPO DIODE VOLTAGE VS+Vcc60490.1mV>602TEMP1600650600TEMPO135.1mV550500450594胡88只中R8导号品8器R品Temperature(C)TSC2046TEXAsINSTRUMENTSSBAS265Cwww.tl.comTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS(ContAt TA=+25C, +Vcc=+2.7V, IOVDD=+1.8V, VREF= External +2.5v, 12-bit mode, PDO=0, IsAMPLE = 125kHZ, and fcuk = 16. fsAMPLE 2MHZ, unless otherwise notedTEMP1 DIODE VOLTAGE vS +Vcc72071871699714山7127102.73.03.3THEORY OF OPERATION+Vcc. The value of the reference voltage directly sets thenput range of the converterThe TsC2046 is a classic successive approximation registerThe analog input(X-, Y, and Z-Position coordinates, auxiliary(SAR) analog-to-digital converter(ADC). The architecture isinput, battery voltage, and chip temperature ) to the converter isbased on capacitive redistribution, which inherently includesa sample-and-hold function. The converter is fabricated on aprovided via a multiplexer. A unique configuration of low onresistance touch panel driver switches allows an unselected0.6um CMOs processADC input channel to provide power and the accompanying pinThe basic operation of the TSC2046 is shown in Figure 1to provide ground for an external device, such as a touchThe device features an intemal 2. 5v reference and uses an screen By maintaining a differential input to the converter andexternal clock. Operation is maintained from a single supply a differential reference architecture it is possible to negate theof 2.7v to 5, 25v. the internal reference can be overdrivenerror from each touch panel driver switchs on-resistance (if thiswith an external, low-impedance source between 1v and is a source of error for the particular measurement)2.7to+5VTSC20461uFto0.1uFB1+VDCLK A2Serial/ Conversion clock10uF(Optional)CS A3Chip selectDIN A4Serial Data InWWWBUSY A5Converter statusTouchSerial Data OutPEPen InterTo BatteG6VlOVDD C7Auxiliary Input oE7AUXD7GND GNDVoltageRequlatorNOTE: BGA package and pin names shownFIGURE 1. Basic Operation of the TSC2046INSTRUMENTSTSC2046ww. ti coSBAS265CANALOG INPUTWhen the converter enters the hold mode, the voltageFigure 2 shows a block diagram of the input multiplexer ondifference between the +IN and-IN inputs(as shown inthe TSC2046, the differential input of the ADC, and theFigure 2) is captured on the internal capacitor array. Thedifferential reference of the converter table and tableinput current into the analog inputs depends on the conver-show the relationship between the a2, al, ao, and sER/dFRsion rate of the device. During the sample period, the sourcecontrol bits and the configuration of the TSC2046. Themust charge the internal sampling capacitor(typically 25pFcontrol bits are provided serially via the din pin-see theAfter the capacitor has been fully charged, there is no furtherDigital Interface section of this data sheet for more detailsinput current. The rate of charge transfer from the analogsource to the converter is a function of conversion ratePENIRQ IOVDDEHTEMP1⊥ TEMPOShifter90koLcA2-A0SER/DER十o Ref on/offADC25Vreferen7.5k9UXGND OFIGURE 2. Simplified Diagram of Analog Input0 VBAT AUXTEMP< Y+ Y-POSITION XPOSITION z,POSITION z2POSIION XDRIVERSY-DRIVERS+IN(TEMPO)0MeasureOn00Off0MeasureⅩ-,OnY+ O0+|NMeasureX. OnY+O0+|NMeasureOfffOff+IN (TEMP1)仟fOffTABLE I Input Configuration(DIN), Single-Ended Reference Mode(SER/DFR highA2 A A0 +REF -REF X+ Y+ Y-POSITION X-POSITION Z, POSITION Z-POSITIoN DRIVERS ON+|NMeasureY+Y0Measure0Y++|NMeasureY+0X+X+INMeasureX+, X-TABLE IL Input Configuration(DIN), Differential Reference Mode(SER/DFR low)TSC2046TEXAsINSTRUMENTSSBAS265Cwww.tl.comINTERNAL REFERENCEis made by connecting the X+ input to the ADC, turning on theThe TsC2046 has an internal 2.5v voltage reference that canY+ and Drivers, and digitizing the voltage on X+(Figure 4be turned on or off with the control bit, PD1(see Table V andshows a block diagram). For this measurement, the resistanceFigure 3). Typically, the internal reference voltage is only usedin the X+ lead does not affect the conversion (it does affect thein the single-ended mode for battery monitoring, temperaturesettling time, but the resistance is usually small enough thatmeasurement, and for using the auxiliary input. Optimal touchthis is not a concern). However, since the resistance betweenscreen performance is achieved when using the differentialY+ and Y- is fairly low, the on-resistance of the y drivers doesmode. The internal reference voltage of the tsC2046 must bemake a small difference, Under the situation outlined so far itcommanded to be off to maintain compatibility with theis not possible to achieve a ov input or a full-scale inputADS7843. Therefore, after power-up, a write of PD1 =0 isregardless of where the pointing device is on the touch screenrequired to insure the reference is off (see the Typical Char-because some voltage is lost across the internal switches. Inacteristics for power-up time of the reference from power-addition, the internal switch resistance is unlikely to track thedown)resistance of the touch screen, providing an additional sourceof errorReferenPower-DownBandBuffeapConverterOptional-REFCDACFIGURE 3. Simplified Diagram of the Internal ReferenceREFERENCE INPUTGND C-The voltage difference between +REF and-REF (see Figure 2)FIGURE 4. Simplified Diagram of Single-Ended Referencesets the analog input range. The TSC2046 operates with a(SER/DFR high, Y switches enabled, X+ is ana-reference in the range of 1V to +Vcc. There are several criticallog inputitems concerning the reference input and its wide voltage range. This situation can be remedied as shown in Figure 5. by settingAs the reference voltage is reduced, the analog voltage weightthe ser/dFR bit low, the +REF and-REF inputs are connectedof each digital output code is also reduced. This is often referred directly to Y+ and Y-, respectively which makes the analog-toto as the LSB (least significant bit) size and is equal to the digital conversion ratiometric. The result of the conversion isreference voltage divided by 4096 in 12-bit mode. Any offset orgain error inherent in the ADC appears to increase, in terms ofSB size, as the reference voltage is reduced. For example, ifthe offset of a given converter is 2LSBs with a 2.5V reference,it is typically 5LSBs with a 1V reference. In each case, theactual offset of the device is the same 1.22mV with a lowerreference voltage, more care must be taken to provide a cleanlayout including adequate bypassing, a clean(low-noise, low-ripple) power supply, a low-noise reference(if an externalreference is used), and a low-noise input signal^√A+ REFThe voltage into the VReF input directly drives the capacitorConverterdigital-to-analog converter(CDAC) portion of the TSC2046NTherefore, the input current is very low(typically 13uA)There is also a critical item regarding the reference whenmaking measurements while the switch drivers are on. For thisdiscussion, it is useful to consider the basic operation of theGND CTSC2046,(see Figure 1). This particular application showsthe device being used to digitize a resistive touch screen. A FIGURE 5. Simplified Diagram of Differential Referencemeasurement of the current Y-Position of the pointing device(SER/DFR low, Y switches enabled, X+ isanalog inputINSTRUMENTSTSC2046www.ti.comSBAS265C