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  4. 高级加密标准AES算法的FPGA实现


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高级加密标准AES算法的FPGA实现FPGA上的AES 实现不动学术探讨不同类别的用户在登录后使用不同的功能模块。根据系的普及与发展,数字签名技术的应用领域会日益广泛,有着统的功能需求,学生、教师和管理员3类用户分别有各自的广阔的发展前景。功能模块。学生用户可以进行修改用户信息、选课和查看学分等操作。教师用户可以管理选僇课程的学生信息以及选修参考文献:课程的成绩。管理员用户管理学生用户信息、教师用户信息、[1]冷晓艳,韩裕生,袁宏武基于SSL协议的安全通信在选课系课程和班级信息。统中的应用[]安徽电子信息职业技木学院学报,2004(5、6):121[2]张勇,数守签名在我国应用的现状们.政务办公!商务办公4.结束语20074(105}:16基于数字签名的选课系统有利于学校对教务工作的管[3]刘涛,俟正风,基于BS结构的教务管理系统中的效字签名理,具有可使用性和可维护性,数字签名具有保密性、安全性门.安徽机电学院学报20012,17(4和不可抵赖性,同时采用BS结构方式设计系统更增加了系[4]凌捷,谢赞福.信息完全概论[M.广州:华南理工大学出版统的安全可靠性,从而提高了选课系统的可信度。本文介绍社,2005了基于DSA算法的数字签名,尽管数字签名技术还不够完5]秦殿英,焦庆争.基于数字签名技术的网络安全实现[J.安徽善,如签字后的文件可能被接收者重复使用;公钥算法的效机电学院学报,2001-3,16(1):76率相当低,不易用于长文件的加密等等。但是,随着 InternetThe Design and Implementation on the Digital Signature of Courses Selecting SystemLYU( Zhaoqing Technical and Science College, Zhaoqing 526040, GuangdongI Abstract] At present, many schools use paper signature for students selecting the course or directly transmitting studens gradeswithout code online. To solve these problems, this paper uses a digital signature technology and B/S architecture approach to ensuresystem data integrity while ensuring data confidentiality, authenticity, non-repudiation, etc. The system can achieve the functions ofthe course selecting management, curriculum management, the management of the elective course grade, public and private keysmanagement, signature verificationI Keywords courses selecting system; digital signature; B/S architecture: anti-denying(上接第50页)FPGA Implementation of Advanced Encryption Standard AES AlgorithmWen Zhangbin Yan HuizhongCInformation Technology Research Institute of Jinan University, Guangzhou 510075, Guangdong[Abstract] This paper introduces the AES(Advanced Encryption Standard) Algorithm, as well as the correlative concept and basicoperation of finite-field. AES encryption algorithm module is an important part of sccurity systcm, its corc mission is to encrypt thcdata. AES block cipher algorithm is widely used in research and development modules for its high efficiency, low overhead, simplefeatures such as the current passwordKoywardsI AES; Rijndael; block encryption algorithm; FPGA; round transformation53
码姐姐匿名网友 2018-12-25 15:12:22


码姐姐匿名网友 2018-12-25 15:12:22
