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  4. CGAL编程指南(c++版)


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cgal编程指南,使用c++编写,方便快捷,容易迁移,很好的库文件,欢迎使用。Computational Geometry Algorithms LibraryESPRITⅣ∨LTR21957(CGAL)MPI Saarbruckenand 28155 ( GALIA)Universitat des saarlandesETH ZurichFreie Universitat berlinINRIA Sophia AntipolisMartin-Luther-UniversitatHalle-WittenbergTel-Aviv UniversityUtrecht UniversityRISC LInzProiect Goalmake the large body of geometric algorithms developed in the field ofcomputational geometry available for industrial applicationsCGal at scc’99w Deliverables and platforms: r2.0 June 99e Library: C++, source code delivered(templates)(100 KLOC)● Systems:UNIX(S∪N/SGI/ Linux/.)e Compiler. SGI Mips(Pro) CC 7.2.1GNU g++2.8. 1, CYGNUS egcs 1.1e Supports: STL LEDA, GMP, Geom View, Inventor, VRML● Manuals: Printed(LATE×) or online(HTML)e Getting started ManualI demo programsCGAL at scG99a Changes from Release 1.2 to 2.0e Standard header files: . e Standard namespace: std:: liste CGAL in its own namespace: CGAL●∪ changed functionalitye SunPro CC no longer supportedFuture plans● New functionality● Support of ms visual c+十CGAL at sCG99f The structure of cgalBasic Library「「「「SupportLibraryvisualizationnumberGeometric Kernelypes2-Dcart /homogcart / homogd-Dhomoggener-atorsCore Library E·configurationassertionscirculatorsenumsCGAL at scG99a Challenges for a Library in CGEXact arithmetic versus floating-point3CE E exact arithmetic, exact predicates● filtered predicatese robust floating point specializationse Degeneracy handling鑫· explicit treatmente Inherent complexity of many efficient solutions邊型· generic components, flexibilityCGAL at scg 99f Geometric KernelCGAL at scG99f Geometric Kernele Points. Predicates and exactness● Number TypesCartesian RepresentationHomogeneous RepresentationCGAL at scG99Points. predicates. and Exactnessinclude tutoral hiInclude #i. e include int main(tPoint p(1.0,0.0)Point q(1.3,1.7);Point r(2.2,6.8);switch( CGAL:: orientation( p, q, r))tcase CGAL:: LEFTTURN: std: cout < Left turn.\ n" breakcase CGAL.:: RIGHTTURN: std: cout < Right turn.n, break,case CGAL:: COLLINEAR: std:: cout < onlinear.n, breakreturn O:CGAL at scG’99
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