Introduction to Space-Time wireless Communications
Wireless networks are under constant pressure to provide ever higher data rates to increasing numbers of users with greater reliability. Space-time processing technology, which uses multiple antennas and sophisticated signal processing techniques, is a powerful new tool for improving system performaIntroduction to Space-Time Wireless CommunicationsI inle. u cn ctmu ntly week t Improve thu petInum cnlicieny/capd ily. link reliability andANerA. ti Mircluw networks. SMct -tim wirele technolagy that u e muluple antennas alonw Ith iponmnriate simaing und reCeiver (cliques ofuro a powerful Imil lor improving wirclenerleomant Some asppclsol this tcchnology havc already bcen incorporated int 3G uhle and fixedwiTek w standards. More ad\ anct: space-lime techniquss are planned for future mobile nel workstrelew LAN\ and WAN、The author present the bus icy of spacc-time wireless propagation. the space-time channel, uiveriilyand capacity performance. space-lime coding, space-timg receiver,, interference cancellation forsingle carrier modulation and extensions of OFDM and DS-spread spectrum modu alon. They alsocover space-time multl-uscr communications and systcm dcsign tradeofFsThis hook is an introduction to this rapidly growing field fur graduate students in wireless communiculions and for wireless desi gners in industry Homework prcblems and other supporting materalavailable on anion webArogyaswaml Paulraj is a pioneer of space-time wireless communicatiors technology. He received hisPh. D. frum the Indian Institute of Technology and is a Professor of Electrical Engineering at StanFordUniversity, where he supervises the Sman Antennas Research Group. He is the author ol nearly300 rescarch papers and holds 18 patents. He has held several positions in Indian induslry, leadingprograms ir, military sonars End high-speed compuling before moving to Stanford University. Hefounded lo-pan Wireless to develop MIMO space-time technolgy for hxed wireless access. He is uFellow of' the IEEE and a member of the Indian National Academy of EnginceringRohit Nabar w us a graduate student in thc Smart Antenna Research Group unc recerved his Ph D tromStanford UnIversity in February 2003. He Is currently a post-doctoral resean her at ETH ZurichDMananyay Gore was a graduute student in the Sinairt Antennas Rescarch Greup and received hIs Ph Drom Stanford University in Murth 200.3 He is currently u post doctoral researcher at StanfordUNiversitv. CaliforniaIntroduction to Space-TimeWireless CommunicationsArogyaswami PaulrajStanford UniversityRohit nabarETH ZurichDhananjay Gorestanford UniersityCAMBRIDGEUNIVERSITY PRESSPURLIAHTD BY THE PREN S\ NDICATI UF THC UNIVI\I Y OF CaMnaiDtatThe P:l Bullding, Trumpington Sweet. Camb: idge United KingdonCAMBRIDUE UNIVERSITY PRLSSThe Edinburgh Building. Cambridge CB2 RU. UK40 Wes 20th Sumet. New York. NY 1(N011-4211, USA377 Williantstuwn Road. Port Melbourne, VIC 3207, AustraliaRuiz de alarcon 13. 280)14 Madrid, spuiDock Hcuse The Waterfront, Cape Towa 800l. South Afncuhup://www.cambridge.ore3 Cambndge University Press 2003This boos is in copyright Subject to statutory cxccpuionand lo the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreementsno reproduction of any part m ey lake place withoutthe writien permission of Cambridge University Prew\First published 2003Printed in the L'nited Kingdom ut the University PRss, CambodgeIepefacer Times 10.5/14 pl and Helvetica Neue S1 steM Is= 2e TRIA calalog record for thsr book is uyuiltble from the Bril sh Libniry[SBN0521 83615 2 hardbackThe first author dedicates the book to Nirmala, Mallika and Nirupa for their love and support.And we jointly dedicate this book to our parents for thelr sacrifices that brought us all to StanfordUniversity.ContentsList of figLis of tablePrefaceList of abbreviationsLispntroduction1.I History of radio, antennas and array signal processing2 Exploiting multiple antennas in wire61. 2. 1 Array gaIn1. 2.2 Diversity gain1.2.3 Spatial muLtiplexing (SM)1.2.4 Interference reduction1.3 ST wireless communi cation sysicm32 ST propagation2.1 Introduction112. 2 The wireless channel112.21 Path I2.2.2 Fading122.3 Scattering model in macrocell2 4 Channel as a st random held24. I Wide sen se stationarity ( wSS222.4.2 Uneorrelaicd scattering (US)222. 4.3 Homogeneous channels(HO)232.5Sg functions2 6 Polany/alon and held div Is channIn. snle nma array topology282.8 Dege ratt channel3.9 Reciprocity and its implicationsST channel and signal models3.1 Inroduction3.2 Dehn: ti3.2.1 SISO channel3.22 SIMO channel3.2.3 MISO channel333. 2. 4 MIMO channel3.3 Physical scattering model for ST channels3.3.1 SIMO channel3.2 MISO channel373.3.3 MIMO channel383.4 Extended channel models3.4.1 Spatial fadin403.4.2 LOS component413.4.3 Cross-polarized antennas413.4.4 Degenerate channels3.5 Statistical properties of H3.5.1 Singular valucs of H433.5.2 Squired Robe5 6 Channel measurements and test channels3.7 Sampled signal model3.7.1 Normali4837.2 SISO sampled signal3.7.3 SIMO sampled signal modcl3.7.4 MISO sampled signal model3.7.5 MIMO sampled signal model3. 8 ST multd ST interference chip3.8.1 ST multi3.8.2 ST interference channe3.9 ST channel estimation3.9.1 Estimating the ST chat the receiv3.9.2 Estimating the STnel at the transmit