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《国防电子信息技术丛书:现代天线设计(第2版)》从天线工程设计师的角度介绍了现代各类型天线的基本原理、特点,回避了繁冗的数学分析,直接给出了多种天线的设计方法和步骤,同时还给出了大量的供设计人员查询的设计图表和许多领域的天线设计实例。天线设计师可根据设计要求和用途快速选定天线型式,快速算出天线的约略尺寸。主要内容包括辐射结构和数值方法,口径分布和天线阵综合,偶极子、槽天线、环天线和微带天线,高斯波束分析和波导喇叭天线,反射面天线,透镜天线,行波天线,频率无关天线和相控阵等。MODERN ANTENNA DESIGNSecond editionTHOMAS A. MILLIGAN◆IEEEEEE PRESSWILEy-NTERSCIENCEaJohn WileY sons. inc.. publicationCopyright o 2005 by John Wiley Sons, Inc. All rights reservedPublished by John Wiley Sons, Inc, Hoboken, New JerseyPublished simultaneously in Canaday any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except af Orm orNo part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any fopermitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the priorritten permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee tothe Copyright Clearance Center, Inc, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA O1923, 978-750-8400, fax978-646-8600,oronthewebatwww.copyright.comRequeststothePublisherforpermissionshouldbeddressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley Sons, Inc, 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030(201)748-6011,fax(201)748-6008Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: While the publisher and author have used their best efforts inpreparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy orcompleteness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties ofmerchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by salesrepresentatives or written sales materials. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitablefor your situation. You should consult with a professional where appropriate. Neither the publisher norauthor shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited tospecial, incidental, consequential, or other damagesFor general information on our other products and services please contact our Customer Care Departmentthin the u.s. at 877-762-2974. outside the u.s. at 317-572-3993 or fax 317-572-4002Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats. Some content that appears in print,however. may not be available in electronic formatLibrary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:Milligan, Thomas AModern antenna design by Thomas A milligan.-2nd edIncludes bibliographical references and indexISBN-13978-0-471-45776-3( cloth)ISBN-100-471-45776-0( cloth)1. Antennas(Electronics)-Design and construction. I. TitleTK7871.6M542005621.3824—dc222004059098Printed in the united states of americ10987654321To Mary, Jane, and MargaretCONTENTSPreface1 Properties of Antennas1-1 Antenna radiation 21-2 Gain. 31-3 Effective Area. 61-4 Path Loss. 61-5 Radar Range Equation and Cross Section, 71-6 Why Use an Antenna? 91-7 Directivity, 101-8 Directivity Estimates, 111-8.1 Pencil beam. 111-8.2 Butterfly or Omnidirectional Pattern, 131-9 Beam Efficiency, 161-10 Input-Impedance Mismatch Loss1-11 Polarization 181-11.1 Circular Polarization Components, 191-11.2 Huygens Source Polarization, 211-11. 3 Relations between Bases. 221-11.4 Antenna Polarization Response, 231-11. 5 Phase Response of Rotating Antennas, 251-11. 6 Partial Gain. 261-11. 7 Measurement of Circular Polarization UsingAmplitude only, 261-12 Vector Effective Height, 271-13 Antenna Factor. 291-14 Mutual Coupling Between Antennas, 2915 Antenna Noise Temperature, 3071ICONTENTS1-16 Communication Link Budget and radar range 351-17 Multipath, 361-18 Propagation Over Soil, 371-19 Multipath Fading, 39References 402 Radiation Structures and Numerical methods422-1 Auxiliary Vector Potentials, 432-1.1 Radiation from electric Currents. 442-1.2 Radiation from Magnetic Currents, 492-2 Apertures: Huygens Source Approximation, 512. 1 Near- and Far-Field Regions, 552-2.2 Huygens Source, 572-3 Boundary conditions, 572-4 Physical OpticS, 592-4.1 Radiated Fields Given Currents. 592-4.2 Applying Physical Optics, 602-4.3 Equivalent Currents, 652-4.4 Reactance Theorem and Mutual Coupling, 662-5 Method of moments. 672-5.1 Use of the reactance Theorem for the method ofMoments. 682-5.2 General Moments Method Approach, 62-5. 3 Thin-Wire moment method Codes 712-5. 4 Surface and volume moment method Codes 712-5.5 Examples of moment method models, 722-6 Finite-Difference Time-Domain method. 762-6. 1 Implementation, 762-6.2 Central Difference derivative. 772-6.3 Finite-Difference Maxwell,s equations, 772-6.4 Time Step for Stability, 792-6.5 Numerical Dispersion and Stability, 802-6.6 Computer Storage and Execution Times, 802-6.7 Excitation 812-6. 8 Waveguide Horn Example, 832-7 Ray Optics and the geometric Theory of Diffraction, 842-7.1 Fermats Principle, 852-7.2 H-Plane Pattern of a dipole located over a finiteStrip, 852-7.3 E-Plane pattern of a rectangular horn, 872-7. 4 H-Plane pattern of a rectangular horn 892-7.5 Amplitude Variations AlRay, 902-7.6 Extra Phase Shift Through Caustics, 932-7.7 Snell's laws and refle32-7.8 Polarization Effects in Reflections. 942-7. 9 Reflection from a curved surface. 942-7.10 Ray Tracing, 96CoNTENTS IX2-7.11 Edge diffraction, 962-7. 12 Slope Diffraction, 982-7. 13 Corner Diffraction. 992-7.14 Equivalent Currents, 992-7. 15 Diffraction from Curved Surfaces. 99References. 1003 Arrays1023-1 Two-Element Array. 1043-2 Linear Array of N Elements, 1093-3 Hansen and Woodyard End-Fire Array, 1143-4 Phased Arrays, 1153-5 Grating lobes, 1173-6 Multiple beams, 1183-7 Planar Array, 1203-8 Grating Lobes in Planar Arrays, 1253-9 Mutual Impedance, 1273-10 Scan Blindness and Array Element Pattern, 1273-11 Compensating Array Feeding for Mutual Coupling, 1283-12 Array Gain, 1293-13 Arrays Using Arbitrarily Oriented Elements, 133References. 1354 Aperture Distributions and Array Synthesis1364-1 Amplitude taper and phase error efficiencies 1374-1.2 Circularly Symmetrical Distributions, 14 hs, 1394-1. 1 Separable Rectangular Aperture Distribution4-2 Simple linear distributions, 1404-3 Taylor One-Parameter Linear Distribution, 1444-4 Taylor n Line distribution, 1474-5 Taylor Line distribution with Edge Nulls, 1524-6 Elliott's Method for Modified Taylor Distribution andArbitrary sidelobes. 1554-7 Bayliss Line-SDistribution. 1584-8 Woodward Line-Source Synthesis, 1624-9 Schelkunoff's Unit-Circle method. 1 644-10 Dolph -Chebyshev Linear Array, 1704-11 Villeneuve Array Synthesis, 1724-12 Zero Sampling of Continuous Distributions, 1734-13 Fourier Series Shaped-Beam Array Synthesis, 1754-14 Orchard Method of Array Synthesis, 1784-15 Series-Fed Array and Traveling-Wave Feed Synthesis, 1884-16 Circular Apertures, 1914-17 Circular Gaussian Distribution. 1944-18 Hansen Single-Parameter Circular Distribution, 1954-19 Taylor Circular-Aperture Distribution, 1964-20 Bayliss Circular-Aperture Distribution, 200CONTENTS4-21 Planar Arrays, 2024-22 Convolution Technique for Planar Arrays, 2034-23 Aperture Blockage, 2084-24 Quadratic Phase error, 2114-25 Beam Efficiency of Circular Apertures with AxisymmetricDistribution 214References. 2155 Dipoles slots. and loops2175-1 Standing-Wave Currents, 2185-2 Radiation Resistance(Conductance ), 2205-3 Babinet-Booker Principle, 2225-4 Dipoles Located Over a Ground Plane, 2235-5 Dipole mounted Over Finite Ground Planes, 2255-6 Crossed Dipoles for circular Polarization, 2315-7 Super Turnstile or Batwing Antenna, 2345-8 Corner reflector 2375-9 Monopole, 2425-10 Sleeve antenna. 2425-11 Cavity-Mounted Dipole antenna, 2455-12 Folded Dipole, 2475-13 Shunt Feeding, 2485-14 Discone antenna. 2495-15 Baluns. 2515-15.1 Folded balun. 2525-15.2 Sleeve or bazooka baluns 2535-15.3 Split Coax Balun, 2555-15. 4 Half-Wavelength balun. 2565-15.5 Candelabra balun. 2565-15.6 Ferrite Core Baluns. 2565-15.7 Ferrite Candelabra balun. 2585-15. 8 Transformer Balun. 2585-159 Split tapered Coax balun. 2.5-15.10 Natural balun. 2605-16 Small Loop, 2605-17 Alford Loop, 2615-18 Resonant Loop, 2635-19 Quadrifilar Helix, 2645-20 Cavity-Backed Slots, 2665-21 Stripline series Slots, 2665-22 Shallow-Cavity Crossed-Slot Antenna, 2695-23 Waveguide-Fed Slots, 2705-24 Rectangular-Waveguide Wall slots, 2715-25 Circular-Waveguide slots, 2765-26 Waveguide Slot Arrays, 2785-26.1Nornt Array, 2795-26.2 Resonant Array, 282CONTENTS Xi5-26. 3 Improved Design Methods, 282References. 2836 Microstrip Antennas2856-1 Microstrip Antenna Patterns, 2876-2 Microstrip Patch Bandwidth and surface-WaveEfficiency, 2936-3 Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna, 2996-4 Quarter-Wave Patch Antenna, 3106-5 Circular Microstrip Patch, 3136-6 Circularly Polarized Patch Antennas, 3166-7 Compact Patches, 3196-8 Directly Fed Stacked Patches, 3236-9 Aperture-Coupled stacked Patches, 3256-10 Patch Antenna Feed Networks. 3276-11 Series-Fed Array, 3296-12 Microstrip Dipole, 3306-13 Microstrip Franklin Array, 3326-14 Microstrip Antenna Mechanical Properties, 333References. 3347 Horn antennas3367-1 Rectangular Horn(Pyramidal), 3377-1.1 Beamwidth. 3417-1.2 Optimum Rectangular horn, 3437-1.3 Designing to Given Beamwidths, 3467-1. 4 Phase Center. 3477-2 Circular-Aperture Horn, 3487-2.1 Beamwidth 3507-2.2 Phase Center. 3527-3 Circular(Conical) Corrugated Horn, 3537-3.1S3577-3.2 Corrugation Design, 3577-3. 3 Choke horns. 3587-3. 4 Rectangular Corrugated Horns, 3597-4 Corrugated ground plane. 3597-5 Gaussian Beam. 3627-6 Ridged Waveguide horns, 3657-7 Box Horn. 3727-8 T-Bar-Fed Slot Antenna. 3747-9 Multimode Circular horn. 3767-10Bial horn. 376References. 3788 Reflector antennas3808-1Pidal reflector ge3818-2 Paraboloidal Reflector Aperture Distribution Losses, 383