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前端模板Metronic -V5.0

上传者: 2018-12-20 03:57:59上传 TXT文件 708B 热度 32次
可用于前端开发的高端大气模板 Template Name: Metronic - Responsive Admin Dashboard Template build with Twitter Bootstrap 4 Version: 5.0 Author: KeenThemes Website: http://www.keenthemes.com/ Contact: support@keenthemes.com Follow: www.twitter.com/keenthemes Dribbble: www.dribbble.com/keenthemes Like: www.facebook.com/keenthemes Purchase: http://themeforest.net/item/metronic-responsive-admin-dashboard-template/4021469?ref=keenthemes Renew Support: http://themeforest.net/item/metronic-responsive-admin-dashboard-template/4021469?ref=keenthemes Li cense: You must have a valid license purchased only from themeforest(the above link) in order to legally use the theme for your