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开关电源手册 英文第三版 Switchmode Power Supply Handbook, Third Edition研究和开发开关电源的必读经典!The McGraw. Hill CompaniesCopyright o 2011 by The McGraw-Hill Companies. All rights reserved. Except as permitted undethe United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributedn any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior writtenpermission of the publisherISBN:978-0-07-163972-9MHID:0-07-163972-1The material in this e Book also appears in the print version of this title: ISBN: 978-0-07-163971-2MHID:0-07-163971-3All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners. Rather than put a trademark symbol afterevery occurrence of a trademarked name we use names in an editorial fashion only and to the benefiof the trademark owner, with no intention of infringement of the trademark. 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Except as permit-ted under the Copyright Act of 1976 and the right to store and retrieve one copy of the work, youmay not decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, reproduce, modify, create derivative works basedupon,transmit, distribute, disseminate, sell, publish or sublicense the work or any part of it withoutMcGraw-Hill's prior consent. You may use the work for your own noncommercial and personal useany other use of the work is strictly prohibited. Your right to use the work may be terminated if youfail to comply with these termsTHE WORK IS PROVIDED"AS IS. MCGRAW-HILL AND ITS LICENSORS MAKE NO GUAR-ANTEES OR WARRANTIES AS TO THE ACCURACY, ADEQUACY OR COMPLETENESS OFOR RESULTS TO BE OBTAINED FROM USING THE WORK. INCLUDING ANY INFORMATION THAT CAN BE ACCESSED THROUGH THE WORK VIA HYPERLINK OR OTHERWISE,AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ANY WARRANTY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUTNOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE. McGraw-Hill and its licensors do not warrant or guarantee that the functions contained in the work will meet your requirements or that its operation will be uninterrupted orerror free. Neither McGraw-Hill nor its licensors shall be liable to you or anyone else for any inaccuracy, error or omission, regardless of cause, in the work or for any damages resulting therefromMcGraw-Hill has no responsibility for the content of any information accessed through the workUnder no circumstances shall McGraw-Hill and/or its licensors be liable for any indirect, incidentalspecial, punitive, consequential or similar damages that result from the use of or inability to use thework, even if any of them has been advised of the possibility of such damages. This limitation of liability shall apply to any claim or cause whatsoever whether such claim or cause arises in contract,tort or otherwiseABOUT THE AUTHORSKEITH BILLINGS. President of dkb power Inc and engineering design consultanthas over 46 years of experience in switch-mode power supply design. He is a CharteredElectronics engineer and a full member of the former great britain's institution of electricalEngineers (now the Institution of Engineering and TechnologyTAYLOR MOREY is a Professor of Electronics Engineering Technology at ConestogaCollege Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning in Kitchener, Ontario, and designconsultant with over 30 years experience in power suppliesCONTENTSPreface xvAcknowledgmentsUnits, Symbols, Dimensions and abbreviations used in this book xviiiList of Figures and Tables xxviPART 1 FUNCTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS COMMON TO MOSTDIRECT-OFF-LINE SWITCHMODE POWER SUPPLIES1. COMMON REQUIREMENTS: AN OVERVIEW131. 1 Introduction 1. 2 Input Transient Voltage Protection 1.3 ElectromagneticCompatibility 1. 4 Differential-Mode Noise 1.5 Common-Mode Noise1.6 Faraday Screens 1.7 Input Fuse Selection 1. 8 Line rectification andCapacitor Input Filters 1.9 Inrush Limiting 1.10 Start-Up Methods1. 11 Soft Start 1 12 Start-Up Overvoltage Prevention 1. 13 Output OvervoltageUndervoltage Protection 1.15 Overload protec(Input Power Limiting) 1. 16 Output Current Limiting 1. 17 Base driveRequirements for High-Voltage Bipolar Transistors 1.18 Proportional driveCircuits 1. 19 Antisaturation Techniques 1.20 Snubber Networks 1.21 CrossConduction 1.22 Output Filtering, Common-Mode Noise, and Input-toOutput Isolation 1. 23 Power Failure Signals 1. 24 Power Good Signals1. 25 Dual Input Voltage Operation 1.26 Power Supply Holdup Time1. 27 Synchronization 1.28 External Inhibit 1. 29 Forced Current Sharing30 Remote Sensing 1.31 P-Terminal Link 1.32 Low-Voltage Cutout1.33 Voltage and Current Limit Adjustments 1.34 Input Safety requirements2. AC POWERLINE SURGE PROTECTION1.172. 1 Introduction 2.2 Location Categories 2.3 Likely Rate of surgeOccurrences 2.4 Surge voltage Waveforms 2.5 Transient SuppressionDevices 2.6 Metal Oxide Varistors(Movs, Voltage-Dependent Resistors)2.7 Transient Protection Diodes 2.8 Gas-Filled Surge Arresters 2.9 Line Filter,Transient Suppressor Combinations 2.10 Category A Transient SuppressionFilters 2.11 Category B Transient Suppression Filters 2. 12 A Case for FullTransient Protection 2. 13 The Cause of Ground Return Voltage Bump"Stress2. 14 Problems3. ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCE (EMD)IN SWITCHMODE POWER SUPPLIES1313.1 Introduction 3.2 EMI/RFI Propagation Modes 3.3 Powerline ConductedMode Interference 3.4 Safety Regulations(Ground Return Currents3.5 Powerline Filters 3.6 Suppressing EmI at Source 3.7 Example3.8 Line Impedance Stabilization Network (LISN) 3.9 Line Filter Design3.10 Common-Mode Line Filter Inductors 3 11 Design Example, Common-ModeLine filter inductors 3.12 Series-Mode Inductors 3.13 ProblemsCONTENTS4. FARADAY SCREENS1.434.1 Introduction 4.2 Faraday Screens as Applied to Switching Devices4.3 Transformer Faraday Screens and Safety Screens 4.4 Faraday Screens onOutput Components 4.5 Reducing Radiated EMI in Gapped Transformer Cores4.6 Problems5. FUSE SELECTION1.495. 1 Introduction 5.2 Fuse Parameters 5.3 Types of Fuses 5.4 Selecting Fuses5.5 SCR Crowbar Fuses 5.6 Transformer Input Fuses 5.7 Problems6. LINE RECTIFICATION AND CAPACITOR INPUT FILTERS FORDIRECT-OFF-LINE SWITCHMODE POWER SUPPLIES1556. 1 Introduction 6.2 Typical Dual-Voltage Capacitor Input Filter Circuit6.3 Effective Series Resistance 6.4 Constant-Power Load 6.5 ConstantCurrent Load 6.6 Rectifier and Capacitor Waveforms 6.7 Input Current,Capacitor Ripple, and Peak Currents 6.8 Effective Input Current le, and PowerFactor 6.9 Selecting Inrush-Limiting Resistance 6.10 Resistance FactorR 6.11 Design Example 6.12 DC Output Voltage and Regulation for RectifierCapacitor Input Filters 6.13 Example of Rectifier Capacitor Input Filter DoOutput Voltage calculation 6 14 Selecting reservoir and/or Filter CapacitorSize 6.15 Selecting Input Fuse Ratings 6.16 Power Factor and EfficiencyMeasurements 6.17 problems7 NRUSH CONTROL1.737. 1 Introduction 7.2 Series Resistors 7.3 Thermistor Inrush limiting7.4 Active Limiting Circuits(Triac Start Circuit) 7.5 Problems8. START-UP METHODS1778.1 Introduction 8.2 Dissipative(Passive) Start Circuit 8.3 Transistor(Active)Start Circuit 8.4 Impulse start Circuits9. SOFT START AND LOW-VOLTAGE INHIBIT1819. 1 Introduction 9.2 Soft-Start Circuit 9.3 Low-Voltage inhibit 9.4 Problems10. TURN-ON VOLTAGE OVERSHOOT PREVENTION10.1 Introduction 10.2 Typical Causes of Turn-On Voltage Overshootin Switchmode supplies 10.3 Overshoot Prevention 10.4 Problems11. OVERVOLTAGE PROTECTION18911.1 Introduction 11. 2 Types of Overvoltage Protection 11.3 Type 1, SCRCrowbar Overvoltage Protection 11. 4 "Crowbar" Performance 11.5 Limitationsof"Simple "Crowbar Circuits 11.6 Type 2, Overvoltage Clamping Techniques11.7 Overvoltage Clamping with SCR"Crowbar"Backup 11. 8 Selecting Fuses forSCR Crowbar"Overvoltage Protection Circuits 11.9 Type 3, Overvoltage Protectionby Voltage limiting Techniques 11.10 ProblemsCONTENTS12. UNDERVOLTAGE PROTECTION1.10112. 1 Introduction 12.2 Undervoltage Suppressor Performance ParametersPrinciples (Practical Circuit) 12.6 Transient Behavior 12.7 Problen a12.3 Basic Principles 12. 4 Practical Circuit Description 12.5 Operating13. OVERLOAD PROTECTION1.107Limiting 13. 4 Type 1, Form A, Primary Overpower Limiting 13.5 Type A er13. 1 Introduction 13. 2 Types of Overload Protection 13.3 Type 1, OverpowerForm B, Delayed Overpower Shutdown Protection 13.6 Type 1, Form C,Pulse-by-Pulse Overpower/Current Limiting 13.7 Type 1, Form D, ConstantPower Limiting 13.8 Type 1, Form E, Foldback(Reentrant) Overpower Limiting13.9 Type 2, Output Constant Current Limiting 13 10 Type 3, OverloadProtection by Fuses, Current Limiting, or Trip Devices 13.11 Problems14. FOLDBACK (REENTRANT OUTPUT CURRENT LIMITING1.11314.1 Introduction 14.2 Foldback Principle 14.3 Foldback Circuit Principlesas Applied to a Linear Supply 14.4"Lockout "in Foldback Current-LimitedSupplies 14.5 Reentrant Lockout with Cross-Connected Loads 14.6 FoldbackCurrent limits in Switchmode supplies 14.7 Problems15. BASE DRIVE REQUIREMENTS FOR HIGH-VOLTAGEBIPOLARTRANSISTORS1.12115. 1 Introduction 15.2 Secondary Breakdown 15.3 Incorrect Turn-OffDrive Waveforms 15.4 Correct Turn-Off Waveform 15.5 Correct Turn-Onfor High-Voltage Transistors 15.8 Problen tiesWaveform 15.6 Antisaturation Drive Techniques 15.7 Optimum Drive Circuit16. PROPORTIONAL DRIVE CIRCUITS FOR BIPOLAR TRANSISTORS1.12716. 1 Introduction 16.2 Example of a Proportional Drive Circuit 16.3 Turn-OnAction 16.4 Turn-Off Action 16.5 Drive Transformer Restoration 16.6 Wide-Range Proportional Drive Circuits 16.7 Turn-Off Action 16.8 Turn-On Action16.9 Proportional Drive with High-Voltage Transistors 16.10 Problems17. ANTISATURATIONTECHNIQUES FOR HIGH-VOLTAGE TRANSISTORS1.13317.1 Introduction 17.2 Baker Clamp 17.3 Problems18 SNUBBER NETWORKS1.13518.1 Introduction 18.2 Snubber Circuit(with Load Line shaping)18.3 Operating Principles 18.4 Establishing Snubber Component Valuesby Empirical Methods 18.5 Establishing Snubber Component Values bCalculation 18.6 Turn-Off Dissipation in Transistor Q/ 18.7 SnubberResistor Values 18.8 Dissipation in Snubber Resistor 18.9 Miller CurrentEffects 18.10 The Weaving low-Loss Snubber Diode 18 11"Ideal"driveCircuits for High-Voltage Bipolar Transistors 18.12 ProblemsCONTENTS19. CROSS CONDUCTION1.14519.1 Introduction 19.2 Preventing Cross Conduction 19.3 Cross-CoupledInhibit 19.4 Circuit Operation5 Problems20. OUTPUT FILTERS1.14920. 1 Introduction 20.2 Basic Requirements 20.3 Parasitic Effects inSwitchmode Output Filters 20.4 Two-Stage Filters 20.5 High-FrequencyChoke Example 20.6 Resonant Filters 20 7 Resonant Filter ExampleFilters 20.10 Main Output Inductor Values (Buck Regulators) 20.11 Desigr20.8 Common-Mode Noise filters 20.9 Selecting Component Values for Outputple 20 12 Output Capacitor Value 20 13 Problems21. POWER FAILURE WARNING CIRCUITS1.16121.1 Introduction 21.2 Power Failure and Brownout 21.3 SimplePower Failure Warning Circuits 21.4 Dynamic Power Failure WarningCircuits 21.5 Independent Power Failure Warning Module 21.6 PowerFailure Warning in Flyback Converters 21.7 Fast Power Failure WarningCircuits 21. 8 Problems22. CENTERING (ADJUSTMENT TO CENTER)OF AUXILIAROUTPUT VOLTAGES ON MULTIPLE-OUTPUT CONVERTERS1.17122 1 Introduction 22.2 Example 22.3 Saturable Reactor VoltageAdjustment 22.4 Reactor Design 22.5 Problems23. AUXILIARY SUPPLY SYSTEMS1.17523. 1 Introduction 23.2 60-Hz Line Transformers 23.3 Auxiliary Converters23.4 Operating Principles 23.5 Stabilized Auxiliary Converters 23.6 HighEfficiency Auxiliary Supplies 23.7 Auxiliary Supplies Derived from MainConverter Transformer 23.8 Problems 23.9 Low Noise Distributed AuxiliaryConverters 23 10 Block Diagram of a Distributed Auxiliary Power system23 11 Block 1, Rectifier and Linear regulator 23. 12 Block 2, Sine WaveInverter 23.13 Output Modules 23 14 Sine Wave Inverter TransformerDesign 23. 15 Reducing Common Mode noise24. PARALLEL OPERATION OF VOLTAGE-STABILIZED POWER SUPPLIES1.19524.1 Introduction 24.2 Master-Slave Operation 24.3 Voltage-ControlledCurrent Sources 24.4 Forced Current Sharing 24.5 Parallel redundantOperation 24.6 ProblemsPART 2 DESIGN: THEORY AND PRACTICE1. MULTIPLE-OUTPUT FLY BACK SWITCHMODE POWER SUPPLIES2.31 Introduction 1.2 Expected Performance 1.3 Operating Modes1. 4 Operating Principles 1.5 Energy Storage Phase 1.6 Energy TransferModes flyback Phase) 1. 7 Factors Defining Operating ModesVIlCONTENTS1. 8 Transfer Function Anomaly 1.9 Transformer Throughput Capability10 Specification Notes 1.11 Specification Example for a 110-W Direct-Off-LineFlyback Power Supply 1.12 Problems2. FLYBACK TRANSFORMER DESIGN2.172. 1 Introduction 2.2 Core Parameters and the effect of an Air Gap2.3 General Design Considerations 2. 4 Design Example for a110-W FLybackTransformer 2.5 Flyback Transformer Saturation and Transient Effects2.6 Conclusions 2.7 Problems3. REDUCING TRANSISTOR SWITCHING STRESS2.333.1 Introduction 3. 2 Self-Tracking Voltage Clamp 3.3 Flyback Converter'Snubber" Networks 3. 4 Problems4. SELECTING POWER COMPONENTS FOR FLYBACK CONVERTERS2.394. 1 Introduction 4.2 Primary Components 4.3 Secondary Power Components4. 4 Output Capacitors 4.5 Capacitor Life 4.6 General Conclusions ConcerningFlyback Converter Components 4.7 Problems5. THE DIAGONAL HALF-BRIDGE FLYBACK CONVERTER2.475. 1 Introduction 5.2 Operating Principle 5.3 Useful Properties5.4 Transformer Design 5.5 Drive Circuitry 5.6 Operating Frequency5.7 Snubber Components 5.8 Problems6. SELF-OSCILLATING DIRECT-OFF-LINE FLY BACK CONVERTERS2.536. 1 Introduction 6.2 Classes of Operation 6.3 General Operating Principles6. 4 Isolated Self-Oscillating Flyback Converters 6.5 Control Circuit (BriefDescription) 6.6 Squegging 6.7 Summary of the Major Parameters forSelf-Oscillating Flyback Converters 6.8 Problems7. APPLYING CURRENT-MODE CONTROL TO FLYBACK CONVERTERS2.617. 1 Introduction 7.2 Power Limiting and Current-Mode Control as Applied to theSelf-Oscillating Flyback Converter 7.3 Voltage Control Loop 7. 4 Input rippleRejection 7.5 Using Field-Effect Transistors in Variable-Frequency FlybackConverters 7.6 Problems8. DIRECT-OFF-LINE SINGLE-ENDED FORWARD CONVERTERS2.678.1 Introduction 8.2 Operating Principles 8.3 Limiting Factors for the valueof the Output Choke 8.4 Multiple Outputs 8.5 Energy Recovery Winding (P2)8.6 Advantages 8.7 Disadvantages 8.8 Problems9. TRANSFORMER DESIGN FOR FORWARD CONVERTERS2.739. 1 Introduction 9.2 Transformer Design Example 9.3 Selecting PowerTransistors 9.4 Final Design Notes 9.5 Transformer Saturation9.6 ConclusionsCONTENTS10. DIAGONAL HALF-BRIDGE FORWARD CONVERTERS2.8310.1 Introduction 10.2 Operating Principles11. TRANSFORMER DESIGN FOR DIAGONAL HALF-BRIDGE FORWARDCONVERTERS2.8711.1 General Considerations 11.2 Design Notes12. HALF-BRIDGE PUSH-PULL DUTY-RATIO-CONTROLLED CONVERTERS2.9312. 1 Introduction 12.2 Operating principles 12.3 System advantages12.4 Problem Areas 12.5 Current-Mode Control and Subharmonic ripple12.6 Cross-Conduction Prevention 12.7 Snubber Components(Half-Bridge)12.8 Soft Start 12.9 Transformer Design 12.10 Optimum Flux Density12. 11 Transient Conditions 12 12 Calculating Primary Turns 12.13 CalculateMinimum Primary Turns 12 14 Calculate Secondary Turns 12 15 Control andDrive Circuits 12.16 Flux Doubling effect 12 17 Problems13. BRIDGE CONVERTERS2.10513. 1 Introduction 13.2 Operating Principles 13.3 Transformer Design( Full Bridge) 13.4 Transformer Design Example 13.5 StaircaseSaturation 13.6 Transient Saturation Effects 13.7 Forced Flux densityBalancing 13.8 Problems14. LOW-POWER SELF-OSCILLATING AUXILIARY CONVERTERS2.11714.1 Introduction 14.2 General Operating Principles 14.3 Operating Principle,Single- Transformer Converters 14.4 Transformer Design15. SINGLE-TRANSFORMER TWO-TRANSISTORSELF-OSCILLATING CONVERTERS2.12315.1 Introduction 15.2 Operating Principles Gain-Limited Switching)15.3 Defining the Switching Current 15.4 Choosing Core Materials15.5 Transformer Design(Saturating-Core-Type Converters) 15.6 Problems16. TWO-TRANSFORMER SELF-OSCILLATING CONVERTERS2.13516. 1 Introduction 16.2 Operating Principles 16.3 Saturated Drive TransformerDesign 16.4 Selecting Core Size and Material 16.5 Main Power TransformerDesign 16.6 Problems17. THE DC-TO-DC TRANSFORMER CONCEPT2.14117. 1 Introduction 17.2 Basic Principles of the Dc-to-DC TransformerConcept 17.3 DC-to-DC Transformer Example 17.4 Problems18 MULTIPLE-OUTPUT COMPOUND REGULATING SYSTEMS2.14518.1 Introduction 18.2 Buck Regulator Cascaded with a Dc-to-DCTransformer 18.3 Operating Principles 18.4 Buck Regulator section