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  4. 离散数学及其应用第七版studentssolutionguide


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English versione McGraw Hill Companiesˇ onnectLearnraw SucceedContents1 The foundations: Logic and Proofs∴……2 Basic Structures: Sets, Functions, Sequences, Sums, and Matrices, 1153 Algorithms..1914 Number Theory and Cryptography∴∴5 Induction and recursion3116 Counting,,.,,.3857 Discrete Probability4458 Advanced Counting Techniques9 Relations10 Graphs64111 Trees74512 Boolean algebra81113 Modeling Computation∴……………………………,847Appendixes ......,A-1about the authorPrefaceGoals of a Discrete mathematics CourseChanges in the Seventh EditionMore Flexible OrganizationTools for Easier LearningEnhanced Coverage of Logic, Sets, and ProofAlgorithmsNumber Theory and Cryptography
码姐姐匿名网友 2019-05-13 01:53:37
