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吉他节拍器调音器手机软件 JAR格式

上传者: 2019-04-19 23:53:26上传 JAR文件 127.49KB 热度 87次
Guitar Mobile Tools is a set of tools for guitarists: - metronome - tuner emulation with 22 open tunes - list of 780 chords - list of 384 scales - editable chords rounds - playlist - tips for musicians. This new version brings in your phone many more scales (32 for each half-tone), a list of the 22 most used open tunes and a tool which allows you to create your own chord rounds (armonic, blues or whatever you want). The playlist function let you to play customized rounds in any order, repeating them how many times you need to create your song. In the end there is a little tips section that quickly explain some music basics. 这是一款手机软件,可作为吉他练琴的节拍器,吉他调音器,非常好用! which allows you to create your own chord rounds (armonic, blues or whatever you want). The playlist function let you to play customized rounds in any order, repeating them how many times you need to create your song. In the end there is a little tips section that quickly explain some music basics. 这是一款手机软件,可作为吉他练琴的节拍器,吉他调音器,非常好用!