Created by Noah Coad See blog post: ====== Ports Added/Removed Scenarios (on timer tick) ====== Assumptions: If a port is opened, it is the currently selected port 1. No Change Do nothing. 2. Port is Open, New Ports Added Refresh port list, but keep the currently selected port selected 3. Port is Open, Existing Ports Removed, One removed was currently selected Refresh port list, but keep the currently selected port selected 4. Port is Open, Existing Ports Removed, None of removed ones were currently selected Close current port, refresh port list, select a new default port 5. Port is Closed, New Ports Added Refresh port list, new selected default is the highest of the most recently added ports 6. Port is Closed, Existing Ports Removed, One removed was currently selected Refresh port list, selected default is the highest of the current list of ports 7. Port is Closed, Existing Ports Removed, None of removed ones were currently selected Refresh port list, selected default is the highest of the current list of ports