MongoDB是为处理大数据而生的一款面向文档的数据库,由10gen公司开发和维护。《MongoDB实战 第二版》中基于MongoDB 3.0+,全面系统地讲解了设计、实现、安装和维护MongoDB的各方面内容。《MongoDB实战》分三部分,第一部分从基于文档的数据与传统关系型数据库的差别讲起,介绍了MongoDB的基本概念及安装使用。第二部分是一个实战式教程,结合示例讲解了MongoDB的CRUD操作,以及实现系统安全、灵活和高效的设计原则及模式。第三部分侧重数据库的维护和管理,深入到MongoDB背后的技术细节,给出了对管理员和开发者都极有价值的建议。 MongoDB in Action
DESCRIPTION MongoDB is a document-oriented database that's highly scalable and delivers very high-performance, especially with massive data sets that need to be spread across multiple servers. It blends the things you expect with any database--like indexing, querying, and high availability--with powerful new features like easy horizontal scaling ('auto-sharding'), map/reduce aggregation, and a flexible document data model to support dynamic schemas. MongoDB in Action is a comprehensive guide to MongoDB for application developers. The book begins by explaining what makes MongoDB unique and describing its ideal use cases. A series of tutorials designed for MongoDB mastery then leads into detailed examples for leveraging MongoDB in e-commerce, social networking, analytics, and other common applications. KEY POINTS * Numerous examples, implemented in Ruby * Comprehensive explanations * Written by a MongoDB insider with any database--like indexing, querying, and high availability--with powerful new features like easy horizontal scaling ('auto-sharding'), map/reduce aggregation, and a flexible document data model to support dynamic schemas. MongoDB in Action is a comprehensive guide to MongoDB for application developers. The book begins by explaining what makes MongoDB unique and describing its ideal use cases. A series of tutorials designed for MongoDB mastery then leads into detailed examples for leveraging MongoDB in e-commerce, social networking, analytics, and other common applications. KEY POINTS * Numerous examples, implemented in Ruby * Comprehensive explanations * Written by a MongoDB insider